WOW - Barf Stew's Other BACK-HIDDEN Pages - `Old' Magazines You Will Remember!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hippie Commune Thrives as Europeans Tire of Chaos

And, the `hippie' commune has its own currency and more - Hippie Commune In Italy a CNBC link. Follow the money. And perhaps this related story suggests another reason to join the commune away from the normal monetary structure -- seems that the EU is being accused of not caring that the economic crisis is driving down the General Health Of Everyone - including increasing suicides. 
BUT, that hardly matters when you are here to see the Buxom Young Beauties, right?..... Math wizzes - would this be a 40-21-35? or will simply OMG do? .... Female Volleyball Player nothing else need be said.... Nearly everyday BS has stuff this sexy - dig into the archive or the `labels'.
MILF Bikini
As the MILF's get younger by the day.....
The REAL 1% In America - and YES, I am a part of it. BS does politics.
Easter of not - it is sexy Sunday at BS!

Happy Easter

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Obama Recovery - Poverty Hits America's Suburbs

The endless repeating of how good the current times are by the MSM, continues to fall on deaf ears that know better than the bought and paid for talking heads on the TV. This CNBC link has the inconvenient facts such as a 64% Rise In Suburban Poverty In A Decade - rising even faster than in urban areas.
Here's an interesting insight into excessive Student Debt - indeed, you will note the nations lack of interest in the `plan' offered last year during the elections - to have `students' pay a percentage of their income for 20 years and then have the rest forgiven. The BS continues to grease the slope of justice.
BUT, you are here to see the Sexy Dorm Girls In Tiny Outfits, right? 
As Barfsters know, BS is all about agitating the mixture of the powers that be (TPTB) - one of which is the Police (who have the insane job of backing up the worthless politicians) - who have their so-called `brotherhood'. Indeed, when one speaks out against power players anywhere - the general outcome is being targeted. .................. Now, to bring all of this line of thought together, I present the info you didn't hear on the MSM about 

chris jordan dorner

Yea, that LA cop who they eventually burned out in that mountain cabin for murders of cops and others out of revenge. So, did you ever wonder what HIS side of the story was? Here's his manifesto as found on another website CJD Manifesto - it's quite a read as to what happens when a cop steps out of the brotherhood.
BS covers the crappola.
Hey, how about going back up to the top of this page and voting in the little poll that is asking why you are here today at BS. Yes, scroll back up and do that survey - thanks.
MILF Bikini - BS Delivers
Last post I brought you a time waster - BLOGFIND - and today I find a Blogfind with under 3,000 page views ever - about Ghosts. Indeed, give it a whirl to read the story about the picture you see below:
BS does ParaNormal.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

FORD Ads Show Women In Bondage

And, YES, they have apologizedCar Ad's With Bondage (CNBC Link):
And speaking of using scantily clad women for a purpose..... Wonderful Sexy Down Blouse...... UnderBoob - Walking The Non- Nude Edge..... and, let BS save you a trip to the Strip Club ...... oh my. Have you bookmarked BS yet? Over 800 posts this sexy are in the archive.
While in the next neighborhood: Barf OR Stew?
As Barfsters know - finding other great blogs (called blogfinds) is one of the key roles of BS for readers - that said, this find and it's INCREDIBLE blogroll - may make the productivity side of the REST of your day near Worthless.
How about another BS picture? Found in my Twitter stream.
Where's the paranormal slop? Certainly this post from 2012 at a `believer' site is beyond priceless now in 2013 - at least the guy admits even in 2012 to `buying in' on all the BS horse-manure. He limps along now trying to change his focus to ET's and support of the Disclosure Crowd.
BS Does Politics
BS Does Politics - BUT The `Left' Is Just As Guilty - and even more hypocritical.


Sunday, March 24, 2013

USA - Ruled By A Shadow Government

Gotta love the size of M. Moore's gonads IMO - I dig the point he makes about the how LOW it is for a country to LIE about the reasons to go to WAR! INDEED.
BTW, the video above has over a 50-1 positive to negative rating by viewers. BS does dangerous politics.
You know the Beatles song on Sgt. Pepper where they say `They Had To Count Them All"? Well, someone estimated the number of hours that the worthless police of NYC wasted in busting marijuana folks just in the past decade1,000,000 Hours in the sham called the Drug War. BS does politics.
But... does that really matter when YOU are here for the pics of Sexy Chicks? .... (like that cutie).... or.... to see young, big busted Asians? getting ready for the day? .... see the hippy chicks dancing at Festivals in wet tank tops? (Why not turn a buddy onto BS?)
Today's media BS is about `the rich' and what they are doing or not doing for society in comparison (via looking at indexing of charity giving) to poorer people. The Atlantic article does make an interesting point or two that is highlighted after the link - Why The Rich Don't Give To Charity..... with the below offered as a possible (and deep) reason:
However, some experts have speculated that the wealthy may be less generous—that the personal drive to accumulate wealth may be inconsistent with the idea of communal support. 
The creepy side of virtual pictures.. as the virtual reality creeps in...and onto the slippery slope of awareness....
Entertained yet? Need more BS?
How about the latest bombardment from Space that some are suggesting is NOT random........



Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Is Strip Club Business Thriving? Workers Unsure!

This headline of a CNBC link is about how good it is for a couple owners of upscale strip clubs in the UK - especially good are Americans closing deals and willing to spend 3-4 thousand pounds to do so.... gotta love that good boy network, right? Anyway, read about how the actual `girls' are exploited in a classic shakedown for their Own SHAKEDOWN Cash Tips; sleazy slippery stuff, the exact thing you love in your barf stew.
32 year old Russian tycoon wants investments in making mankind Immortal Via Robot Avatars by 2045.... almost seems likely to be available by that time... don't you think? Barfsters love this kind of stuff. Barf or Stew.
As you can see by the Barf Stew poll - some folks come for the attitude of BS.... like the BS Politics we are all forced to Endure. BS makes you think and brings you the BS the hopeless MSM is less likely to think is NEWS.
But, you are here for the Female Non-Nude Body, right? And, to see the future Pole Dancers as they blossom into womanhood.... Or, this self-shooting teenie that wants to have her sexy cleavage Seen, right?
One of our BS UK `UFO' friends is John Wall - he recently shared with me his front page of his UFO website and it has LOTS of interest to Barfsters. I especially like that JW is NOT a fan of the BS the exo-politics folks put out there. Bravo. Alien Descendant.
We dig MILF Bikini - how about you?
You say that you think that you are in charge of your mind?


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Cyprus - Ordinary Citizens, Angry, Running On Banks

You have to see the amusement when a small ` country' like Cyprus may be the straw that breaks the (world's) camels back - literally. Seems that the Cyprus banks hold lots of worthless paper loans from the hopeless, bankrupt Greeks - and now want to collect from their own citizens BANK ACCOUNTS to make up for a good part of the shortfall. Leading to suspicion that the idea may spread into other countries `leaders' minds - as an easy prescription - to their money woes. 

Even a limit of bank withdraws to 400 Euro was not able to stem the banks from Running Out Of Money - CNBC link.

Speaking of running out of money ..... turns out if it isn't lowly and insignificant Cyprus that takes the banks out - it could be the China Credit Boom - CNBC link. (Suddenly, everyone has noticed the empty cities that have been the whisper of the big money for 3 years now.)
Second Life Is BS's Favorite Affiliate

Sexy Sunday and YouTube..... A BS Tradition.
And, that tradition is best displayed with pictures of females displaying sexual Excitement.... and unnatural waist to Bust Ratio...... (Sexy Sunday is a good label btw.)
However, the BS politics of the world level most likely is making everyone change their vision of what the future is likely to Be Like - it's just a matter of when...... especially as the lies are exposed by graphics like this about the so-called Drug War played out by the corrupt in our society.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Nipple Flashing Women `Persistent And Dangerous Problem'

So much so that to ease traffic along one interstate in America new BOATING rules needed to be implemented. Gotta love the slippery slope behavior..... right? Here's the full TV story complete with video of course. Breasts Distract Traffic.
As you know, BS loves to walk along the slippery slope of `people who know the truth' - like this intense read of someone who has figured out the Dream State - so do one if you have it and enjoy the ride.
261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250  LOSE YOURSELF
But, you are here to see the beautiful women ..... Asian Hottie Self-Shot ..... Modern Slutwear..... Full Sideview.
The above is the stabilized version of the `original' Bigfoot video 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Swordsmen Shortage May Stop Cherished Saudi Tradition Of Beheading

You say your BS government and the supposedly free media that covers it -  DOESN'T cover the policies that are a bit unpleasant IF they are an `ally' of YOUR government? Yeah, that's called BS politics around here. Anyway the cherished tradition of course is the routine public Beheadings - Get All The BS Details Here. Oh, don't worry too much - when those dastardly Swordsmen have the audacity to be late - firing squads have been approved. BS religion governments tend to have such outcomes.
BUT, you are here for the ladies...... Trashy OR Tanny?......Should Become To School-Teacher To Increase Attendence........and.... You Just Never Know What Kind Of Servings Turn Up On Barf Stew (Bookmarkable, heck, forwardable.) 
As true Barfsters know -- BS is NOT just about .... well, BS. But, is also about the few remaining glimmers of hope for our Amercian Society. And yes, I am referring to Rand Paul's Filibuster - (The first Washington Post Link Around Here In A while and a great read from RP himself.)

BS Entertains.......... On so many levels..............
But, where's the Barf right? .... Well, how about this CNBC link to an analyst that is daring to say the words that EVERYONE KNOWS to be the case. That the World's Central Banks Ideas about money supply are Crackpot Ideas That Are Causing Division...... worldwide.
But YOU are here for the Wild Party Pics and for the very subtle Bikini Camletoes.... right? Although you will settle for the alternative Rock Concert Chick if you have too.
Hey, do you know what BILLIONAIRE you are supporting when you buy from various companies or buy specific brands? Well, wonder about that BS no more - maybe they should put a picture of the Billionaire on the cover of the product Instead - What Do You Think? (a Forbes Link).
Speaking of BS - it's gotta warm your soul that Boston has decided to return cops to the streets who tested positive for Cocaine In Drug Tests, right? No chance of those babies planting any evidence, right? Wonder how many BJ's these winners will get by threatening a college slut.... I mean girl or two. Oh, did I forget to mention that they WILL be getting the back pay they thought they deserved. Of course.
Now, please return to the top of this column and vote in that poll you read before you dove into the stew..... thanks..... yes, scroll back up and vote.... appreciated.
The `Covers' Below are just part of Page Two On Barf Stew!

Hit This Link To See Much More

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Keep Calm And Rape A Lot

The T-Shirt is on Amazon - and this is the probable Algorithm That Makes It Possible and all for zero dollars risk. Capitalism in the world making its BS claims to revenue.

link-       ash3/16529_422758904479110_743053861_n.jpg
BS does sexiness .......... ManEater Slutwear......
BTW, the below video does NOT include the recent fraudulent run-up of the DJIA:
The fraud in our banks and money system is small potatoes potentially when we mention the truly UNSpeakable - Chemtrails - full examination. As they say.... don't hit this link if you have high blood pressure. BS does Politics.

the above book is free today (3-6-13)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Obama's Dow Approaches Bush's Dow High - Are You Better Off?

As Barf Stew sees it - 5 years ago when we were in our force fed fraudster Bush banker years - everyone's perceived net worth, especially home owners, was at a peak. But, nearly everyone but the super sugared up, knew that it all was a house of cards, literally. And then, of course,  the bust to the fraudulent housing and banking sectors.

More forward just over 5 years into 2013 - now - well into the Obama Recovery - the recovery of the super rich that is. As now when the Obama Dow hits its fraudulent FED FIX high - housing values, as with the net media worth of all Americans, is off HUGELY - from prices EVEN BEFORE the first fraudulent run up of `value'. (As IF folks in certain states - Like California - had the right to 10's of thousands in refi each year on annual increases in house values? What kind of economics is THAT?)

So, will the recovered rich face the same Armageddon as everyone else did since their recovered wealth is ALSO FRAUDULENT? Is it now that the super bust is coming? The so-called splash crash?
But, you are here to see the ladies.... so, without further delay..... Like This Sweet Thing sure to bring a smile to your faces..... or like these naughty Club Party Girls .... and, let's not forget why males go to the Beach..... yowser..... 
Barfing the Stew on the Anomalous Edge:
Continuing on America's edge -  Bar Owner Tells Pot Smokers To Light Up - as the drug was is slowly revealed for what it is - Barf Stew. CNBC link.
SlutWear for maneaters. College Sluts gotta love that Reddit Sub Category, right?
=========================================== A materialized neonate-type of Archon would appear to be quiet, psychotic and prone to lying.

Not in His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and the Future of Belief
Yeah, the BS paranormal stuff.
I want to thank those that have already voted in the poll at the top of this column about why you are here at Barf Stew Today. Please take a moment to scroll back up and leave your reason. Thanks.