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Sunday, June 29, 2014

YouTube And Sexy Sunday

Always A BarfStew Favorite
You Can Have Seconds
Sexy Sunday Gallery
Truth In Labeling
always a concern of our congress
over 1000 posts in the archive - many Sexy Sundays

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Police Give Out Scratch And Sniff Cannabis Cards In UK

Always helpful and always in the mode of CREATING crime for adults when and where there is none...... peachy... The Purpose Is To Bust Grow Houses , sickening protection of the alcohol industry and the powers that be (TPTB). Didn't they use to lie that pot lowered sperm count and such?
miss the sleazy factor?
Chinese Technofapper
Now, For Why You're Really Here
Crusted Bits Of BS
nothing new here at all - called the prison industry
a good portion the Fed printing
media can't find one Libertarian anywhere to comment
only those free of 20% + interest rates for the major credit cards would even ask this BS
Self Explanatory To Men
As Barfsters Know, The Chance To Gamble For Free or For Virtual Currencies Is Available On This Website By Clicking The Link Below:
(or the coin in the sidebars)
What you may not know is that anonymous internet gambling has arrived - and below you can see a list of the `best' 100 internet gambling sites with virtual currencies and indeed Satoshibet.Com is on it.
And, finally, while it is EASY to look on the internet and find some who are less than thrilled with Satoshibet (mostly delays in the early days with withdrawls of large wins) - you can also find the website (someone from Satoshibet) very involved in a forum about them
The bottom line is - if you like to gamble and have an interest in trying the internet side of things - yet, like the cryptocurrency aspect of it too - then, why not try it for free first and then give it a go? FOUR folks have used my top link to join already and are trying it for free.
now using the most popular virtual currencies
(more than bitcoin)
I want to thank the newest Satoshibet Player

Now, go ahead and make your first REAL bets ONLINE

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A SWAT team blew a hole in my 2-year-old son

Now, while ATT may LOVE our militarized police - not everyone has the same opinion about cops playing soldier. The pushback. Here's the story of the Disgusting Police Actions Looking For DRUGS (oh my).... and an excerpt or two:
.....After the SWAT team broke down the door, they threw a flashbang grenade inside. It landed in my son’s crib.
Flashbang grenades were created for soldiers to use during battle. When they explode, the noise is so loud and the flash is so bright that anyone close by is temporarily blinded and deafened. It’s been three weeks since the flashbang exploded next to my sleeping baby, and he’s still covered in burns.........My husband’s nephew, the one they were looking for, wasn’t there. He doesn’t even live in that house. After breaking down the door, throwing my husband to the ground, and screaming at my children, the officers – armed with M16s – filed through the house like they were playing war. They searched for drugs and never found any.
I heard my baby wailing and asked one of the officers to let me hold him. He screamed at me to sit down and shut up and blocked my view, so I couldn’t see my son. I could see a singed crib. And I could see a pool of blood. The officers yelled at me to calm down and told me my son was fine, that he’d just lost a tooth. It was only hours later when they finally let us drive to the hospital that we found out Bou Bou was in the intensive burn unit and that he’d been placed into a medically induced coma.
Welcome To The NEW ATT `Hey Marcel' Hard America!
make sure to see the video again at the bottom of this page
Yeah, the kinda post that gets a blog censored from the internet.
The BS does Politiks
The BS Survey Says:
To The MSM, pot smoking is a `moral issue' for the past three decades.
Crusted BS Bits
as far as income inequality after official depression
the BS Gallery
Please Check The Left Sidebar
before you go

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Ridicule Of Chemtrail Dissenters

How long before TPTB give up the beans? Some In Arizona Are Pushing Back and are getting a public meeting. You have to read the condescending attitude of the person that wrote this article .... amazing. (And, who probably had NEVER even thought of them before being asked to put this piece together.) Sent to me by a buddy.
The BS Entertains
Ever Thought What Stats The Government Has About Sex?
Here's a link to the report with more graphics of interest - Sex Info Of The Government in 2010.
Here's What Amazon Thinks About Of Retro Sexy
Ever Wonder What A Search Of The Big G Yields When One Simply Asks - `BS Blogspot'?
BS Recipes For One
Bizzy BS For Two
Breastfeeding Without BS
Just A No BS Blog
To name but a few,,,,,,,,
The BS Entertains
The Secret BS Colony On Mars
an example of the disinfo peddled out there
175K Have Gobbled Up This Manure
As Barfsters Know, The Chance To Gamble For Free or For Virtual Currencies Is Available On This Website By Clicking The Link Below:
(or the coin in the sidebars)
What you may not know is that anonymous internet gambling has arrived - and below you can see a list of the `best' 100 internet gambling sites with virtual currencies and indeed Satoshibet.Com is on it.
And, finally, while it is EASY to look on the internet and find some who are less than thrilled with Satoshibet (mostly delays in the early days with withdrawls of large wins) - you can also find the website (someone from Satoshibet) very involved in a forum about them
The bottom line is - if you like to gamble and have an interest in trying the internet side of things - yet, like the cryptocurrency aspect of it too - then, why not try it for free first and then give it a go? FOUR folks have used my top link to join already and are trying it for free.
now using the most popular virtual currencies
(more than bitcoin)
The BS Gallery
now, go buy your first virtual coin and lose it to gambling
but have fun

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Danger Of Becoming Free

The headline is one of the last spoken phrases - well worth your time. The Ultimate Pushback.

Student gets stuck in giant stone vagina


Vagina Dares - Only On The BS
Too naughty for the giggly `Today Show' patter?
Crusted BS Bits
yeah, I'd say gamers are a different crowd
on the big island.... taking away pot from the police is like taking candy from a baby
And, it's only beginning to seep into the corporate minds what a disaster for law enforcement, the insurance industry, the lawyer lobby, the prison industry and others when and if self driving cars are allowed to become the norm.
counter intuitive to the MSM view, find out why
when in your rearview mirror

The BS Entertains
the mouthpieces for the `2 party system' somehow are surprised
The BS Does Politics
Gotta love that if the local guy says there is 0% chance of rain - that there is MORE chance than if he says there is a 10% chance .... the `it's gonna be beautiful out there' AND, yet, they quickly become overestimaters by the 30% mark.
IF public news is low rated and even the weathermen don't give it straight locally.... 
The BS Gallery
support the bs by finding products on the page to purchase
support the bs by making a donation and being put onto the private listing for entry to private blogging mode
clicking the games below helps too

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The BS YouTube And Sexy Sunday

You've Been Patient

There's been a lot of Sundays in the last 1000 posts - dig into the archive for more.
The BS Entertains
below, MORE than 8 dollars of coffee (the shipping and handling) and a gift - check it out
click the pic

Thanks for your BS - support

Friday, June 20, 2014

Marijuana Delivery Service Begins In Washington State

Meanwhile your worthless local TV station in non legal states simply goes on ignoring the sickness of societies that criminalize adult choices and the sick connections between the cops and politicians and lawyers and money. And judges.
something for your local news to ignore, after all, they have an ATT advertisement coming up where the cops are busting down doors in a neighborhood.
Imagine That - The BS does Politics
The BS Sexy Gallery
hot enough for you?

Supposedly the below is after the umpteenth time the window had been broken:
IF you eat at Wendy's see the sidebar......
BS Thought Worthy
jawdropping room
The BS Entertains
Speaking of Jawdropping
One More?
wait for it and then imagine
And, that's the YT BS
any donation via the paypal button in the sidebar gets you an invitation to the BS private blogger list - archive access when in private mode 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

MUSK - Human Boots On Mars By 2026

The guy is F'ing amazing for sure and is one of the few glimmers of hope on this sorry MSM blue planet..... With the goal of a self sustaining society on Mars as an escape plan for humanity this is worth your next two minutes.
The BS Entertains
The BS Does Politics
That's The BS - Crusted Bits
to be alive at age two compared to non using mothers

The BS Sexy Gallery
tough decision right
more like this?
The Heavy Stuff
Did you bookmark Barfstew yet?
And, finally for your entertainment
Finally, an Amazon product below called `Frame A Patent' - this one for a spanking machine
click the pic for more info
Amazon MUSIC
1999 release

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

One Billion Heartbeats

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Raging Hockey Fans Destroyed An LAPD Drone

drone lapd kings
The BS Entertains
Crusted BS Bits
might it be because Texas could do the same?
the love of the cat and mouse game
part of a `reach the aliens with mantra chants' posting
could be dead on - could be BS
Heavy BS Art
Sexy Sunday?
more? you glutton
1000+ posts this good in the archive, where have you been?
Sunday Evening Amazon Read?

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Animals Gone Wild - The BS Entertains

Two Videos To Share Today On The BS
Each Unbelievable In Its Own Way
(2013 video, 1,000+ views)
Ready To Crank Up The Sleaze?
2011 Video, 10,000,000+ Views
The Underbelly Of YouTube?
The BS Entertains
near the slopes edge as it comes apart
More Animalistic Eye Candy?
Have Your Freedoms Been Snipped?
And, all with a smile on their face - asking for you to re-elect them.
The BS does Politics
And, Heavy BS Art
The BS, Your Favorite Blog
The Bookmarkable Sexy BS Gallery
Have You Bookmarked The BS Yet?
1000+ archived posts
Now, Take A Look At The Backroads Of Amazon Below

A Book
A Mousepad
And, A Pillow