WOW - Barf Stew's Other BACK-HIDDEN Pages - `Old' Magazines You Will Remember!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween - Moola Vanishes, Literally

The Journey into Bitcoin will continue but a bit of today's news and the highlighting of folks losing their Bitcoins to underfunded or serious fraud in an unregulated wild west - as Moola goes under with 4000 bitcoins missing in action.
Director of MintPal Investigates Missing 4000 BTC

And the tangled web of who knows what is found Here it's a story worth reading as to how well or should I say NOT well folks think they know others in Cryptocurrencies.

=======================more updates soon=====

So, I thought I'd end today by going to one of the stat things on this blog for some demos - to get a guage on what they look like as the transition takes place.

< 1813%


No College33%
Grad School19%


African American4%

So, in summary - educated white guys over 35 who as slackers on income reject the two main political parties

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Dogecoin And Onward - Where Is Satoshibet?

As you were left a few days ago - I had just bought some Dogecoin (folks laugh upon hearing the name BTW) and was diversifying into other crypto-currencies. I proceeded to do so by buying ScotCoin, BlackCoin, KarmaCoin and a couple of others - via trading my Bitcoin that I transferred from Coinbase to Coins-e; ending up with over 130K Karma coins for pennies.

I've since discovered a few things since my last post only a couple days ago - first, the number of trading exchanges is numerous and Coins-e only traded a few currencies in comparison to others - and traded at a much lower volume than other places. It's a lot an information game at this point I believe - as at one exchange I saw Dogecoin being bought and sold for a `rate' of 63 and bought and sold on Coins-e for 72. Obviously, one could make money simply having accounts in both websites and trading back and forth. Quite curious.

Even more curious was what occurred today AFTER a ruling that could certainly be seen as a blow to the diversity of the handling of Bitcoin and other currencies. Anyway, before the ruling details..... I went to  Satoshibet - a place I've had (still have probably) banners for as a place for secure private internet gambling. Indeed over 400 were there as part of my links. .... Anyway.... I've pulled some of their banners simply on the statement that SLAPS you in the face IF you live in the USA when you go to the website as of TODAY - as you can see if you are from the USA - Satoshibet now restricts your usage of the website (good luck at getting your bitcoins) - certainly a buyer beware situation. As is virtual currencies evidently.

Now - onto the ruling explained here by:

FinCEN Stifles Bitcoin Adoption; Reinforces Legacy Banking Systems

Posted by B.Holmes on 29 October 2014 | Comments
FinCEN Quote 1

The new guidances (FIN201-R011 and R2012-FIN-2014) advise that under US law, virtual currency exchanges and payment processors may be considered as money transmitters under the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA).
Applying for a money transmitter license (MTL) is an expensive and lengthy process. According toGrimes Law PLLC, to conduct business on a national level, the application fees alone will come to just under $7 million USD, creating a high barrier to entry and limited competition. Businesses such as Bitpay, which has applied for an MTL in Georgia, will possibly suffer extraneous fees. This in turn is creating great concern and cause for debate in the Bitcoin community.
The article offers a range of opinions about the ruling making the hurdle to do exchanges with transferring Bitcoin and others coins - it seems the buy-in price to do so is at least 7 million as you see above. Something that would probably mean many of the smaller exchanges and such will be out of business if this is enforced IMO. That said, as one Reddit user does in the article above - AFTER the shake-out, which happens in any business model - the strong IMO will indeed survive and this will be a blip perhaps. That said, the many who will lose value when various exchanges can't put up millions will certainly create more badwill and avoidance. 
The article begins by calling the ruling that applies an outlier to the world view on things like this.
You will notice the continuing change in The BS's format and look I hope. Those looking for THE BARFSTEW - The direct link is in the post below.
Next Up
switching exchanges

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Barfstew Returns - Really

The NEW Barfstew Is Up And Running
Features You Know And Love

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Journey Into Bitcoin

Hello Barfstars - have you signed up yet for your FREE daily Bitcoin on the various links on this blog? Some have already - don't be dumb and miss this.
So, I had promised myself that IF Bitcoin ever came down to under 600 that I'd buy a piece of Bitcoin - simply to have some to own (yes, a bit for the SHTF basis). Now, understand that EACH and every bitcoin is dividable by upwards of 250 million bits. But - of course - most places that sell Bitcoin want you to buy at least 0.001 (yeah, that's about 36 cents at today's prices). So, when the priced dipped to 593 on Aug 8th - I bought 0.05 worth of Bitcoin - about 30 bucks worth. At Coinbase (an excellent choice).

Laughably, as far as an `investment' it then became a falling sword ... of which I lowered my average price by buying about 4 cents worth a Bitcoin every two weeks - buying at 523 next, then 473, 401, 363, 381, 384, and 358 a few days ago. As you see, by my third purchase the price was already under 500 - and it was then that I started following other virtual digital currencies and their marketing efforts and prices. Easily learning that despite the large decline in Bitcoin prices - that others of the nearly 450 cryptocurrencies - were UP HUGELY and over the exact same time frame.

As it turns out there are a lot of `exchanges' - just like there are stock exchanges - and it really turns out that when you are `buying' `things' (the coins) of virtual value - worth fractions of a cent each - you become the ultimate `penny stock' player - I called it `Dental Floss Tycoon' in honor of Zappa. So, I exchanged 0.10 of Bitcoin when my total had reached 0.20 Bitcoin in the Coinbase `wallet'. And I sent it (easily done) to Coins-E where in short order it - the Bitcoin - arrived into my account (I think it took an hour or something like that).

What to buy, what to buy - that Dogecoin looked good - so I brought about 0.06 bitcoin of Dogecoin.... and more and more as the ratio of the value of Dogecoin got even worse (in value ratio in comparison to Bitcoin) - as a consequence - spending even the same amount of Bitcoin would `buy' an even greater quantity of Dogecoin. I bought my first Dogecoin at a value of 0.00039 US dollars per coin - ..... ready for a laugh... the First Day it went down to 0.00031 USD... while Bitcoin maintained (more or less) it's value.

There's a lot more to my Dogecoin story and the on-going nature of what this blog will become... that soon.
Why not get some FREE Bitcoin and start the adventure from there?

Thursday, October 23, 2014

A Bit More About Qoinpro

All over this page and website you see the `come on' for FREE Bitcoins, right?.... What's the catch, right?.... Well, again - it's all part of the business plan of some venture capital to `make folks OWN virtual coins'. The assumption is that as you watch your balance in your `wallet' grow - and become familiar with terms such as `wallet' - that you will investigate further what virtual currencies are all about. There is no catch.

Now, it's absolutely true that they start you out with a pittance of value - but folks - it's added to everyday without you doing anything at all. It's literally a set and forget it IF you wish to treat it that way.... eventually you will have some level of REAL cash value in your coins ..... and you can simply withdraw the cash value.

But, in the meantime - they hope you add to your `wallets' and use Bitcoin and other currencies for  all the things you can do with such - such as use Bitcoin at the 90,000 merchants now desiring it. Other virtual-digital coins also are being used on the internet - and for real goods and services. The free giveaway is an investment in their business plan.

Now, as I said, I'm DOING this - and recommend it.

and will provide a reason or two other than the strangeness of trying to convince folks to take FREE money value. Daily. While doing nothing...... that said, let me talk about the coins they give to you everyday.... as you know BITCOIN is the premiere coin and the give you a bit of a bit coin daily. Additionally and from the very first day - they give you Litecoin and Dogecoin (after a week on the Dogecoin) . All three of these coins are ones with the most marketcap in digital coinage.

But, they also give you a few coins that have a VERY small market cap (one would assume that these coins are being promoted in some fashion for awareness). One of these is called the VirtaCoin - worth 0.00000599 dollars each today on one exchange. (9.5 billion coins in market) As you saw at the top of this webpage at The BS - Bitcoin in 2009 was 0.0001 dollars each. ...... By giving you a stake in some of these `penny stock' digital coins.... even a VERY small stake - COULD at some point - make you very happy that you signed up with QoinPro.

Another coin they give you daily is called the FedoraCoin - worth today 0.00000024 dollars each, there's 281 billion Fedora coins in the market. They start you off with OVER 100 of these coins and add more daily. Oh, you are allowed to have multiple accounts at the same IP (up to three) .... sounding better? Oh, and EVERYDAY they `increase' slightly - the `bonus' of FREE COINS to your account (the dashboard is easy to use too) - so, not only do you get FREE digital currencies daily - that are added to daily - each day the amount added increases.

And, of course - for each person that you turn on to this concept - you are rewarded further. You can get those details at the website.... but, it is of interest I assure you.

The last FREE coin they give you to start and more each and everyday - is called the FeatherCoin.... which is suddenly becoming a lot more popular in just the last few weeks/months. The FeatherCoin has a value of  between 3 and 7 cents each (56 million coins in market) - this market is RED HOT right now with that kind of variation in bid/ask - is FeatherCoin the NEXT Bitcoin?

See - you are already interested in checking this out, right? All the above is totally true..... AND, they add 2 more coins over the next month or so and make two more available in a sense (for a total of 10 types - 8 with no effort on your part). Want it to get even better - even less scammy? THEY DON'T ASK FOR ANY `MONEY' CRAPPOLA  ---- like a credit card...... or your bank account. NOTHING but your e-mail, which they promise not to spam. If you are reading English - you should know what to do.

In a matter of minutes - from now - literally - you could be looking at a screen that has the `amount of coins in your various digital wallets'. And, it could all be sinking in. Something your best buddy might have an interest in too - don't you think? Or your wife or girlfriend.... or yes, your partner. 

Why Wait - This Is All Still Pretty New --- go get your Bitcoin and others...... if you have any questions you can ask me my experience so far at - thanks.

Oh, you are welcome.
Do it - then, leave a comment for others..... tell them how easy this is.
in beta before going private
part of the BS blog brand
and yes, something so similar to the original BS - that you will hardly notice the difference - is also coming with NEW content. You can see a sneak preview by going into the sidebar and finding the `best paranormal sidebar on the internet' link and click there. could still be a bit of time but soon - your BarfStew will return.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Money Doesn't Grow On Trees, But Did You Know That It Does Flow From Faucets?



And as Clockers also know - over 1100 posts - a person develops trust with the reader base - authority even perhaps. It's along those lines that I bring to you - regular readers (newbies are okay) something I found in just the last week - have tried out myself - and am now recommending it to you. It has to do with a Venture Capital Companies business plan to have people become comfortable with all the attributes of Bitcoin or other Digital Currencies. Now - are you ready for this - the business plan is to GIVE YOU FREE Digital Currency - including Bitcoin - Daily and Automatically - and all you have to do is let it accumulate until you'd like to make a withdrawal. As 1000's have done since September already.

All of this `free money' is a business plan to eventually expand the sites attributes to people who already have virtual currencies - like you will. They hope that during that time - and as you watch the balances expand in your account, in multiple virtual currencies - that you will investigate the whole Bitcoin Thing in-depth. Find out why you might want more, etc..... It's quite a business plan - I've likened it to a Reverse Chain Letter.

I've already had a few of my readers of my blogs - or twitter - that have signed up.  Smart smart folk. Now that is the easy part - you really don't need to get `personal' beyond using your e-mail as the contact point with your account. Seriously. (I've just joined myself in the last week or so - all seems very up and up). You do NOT give bank info, credit card or any crappola like that. You simply use your e-mail. Please click here - even if for some unknown reason you don't join -  IF ANYTHING IS NOT LIKE I SAY ABOVE TELL ME. @


here's the website/company mission statement

 Mission statement to our users

  • To simplify getting started with cryptocurrencies and making it accessible to anybody for free
  • To educate and provide resources for users to learn more about and stay up-to-date with cryptocurrencies
  • To listen to the voice of the community and developing features and new functionality as requested
  • To facilitate adoption of cryptocurrencies world-wide by providing incentives to talk about and start using them

Now Folks, As I Said Above - I've Been Doing This A Week Or So - After Four Days My Screen Of Wallet Balances Looked Like This

  Coin Code Balance Daily coins Bonus You receive Status Available Actions

  BitCoin BTC 0.00000316624 0.00000001891 5.50% 0.00000001995 Unlocked, receiving daily  Transactions   Withdraw

  FeatherCoin FTC 0.00765507550 0.00002827134 5.50% 0.00002982626 Unlocked, receiving daily  Transactions   Withdraw

  FedoraCoin TIPS 122.68516542230 0.42757479861 5.50% 0.45109141253 Unlocked, receiving daily  Transactions   Withdraw

  LiteCoin LTC 0.00009711702 0.00000036252 5.50% 0.00000038246 Unlocked, receiving daily  Transactions   Withdraw

  Virtacoin VTA 0.44070091919 0.02464046049 5.50% 0.02599568582 Unlocked, receiving daily  Transactions 

Actually it doesn't look exactly like above - the laid out version is easy to read and has 5 other coins too.

ONCE AGAIN - HERE'S THE LINK -- contact me at if ANYTHING isn't as I say above.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

“I Am Sorry, We No Longer Accept Cash”

Hello BarfSTARS - (someone, indeed more than one someone - was smart enough to Provide Their E-Mail To Receive DAILY Bitcoin And Other Virtual Coins - Automatically) wo-ho, when will  all of you will sign up... well? The BS does not send you to a hell hole ever - only good things.
Anyway, so today's headline comes from this posting of which is an extensive outtake below: Sorry We Don't Take Cash
Que Image
Ummm...excuse me? Perhaps there is some mistake and I had walked into the Chipotle next door. As I stood there trying to make a deposit, the bank teller notified me that as of February, Chase bank had a new policy that they would no longer accept cash deposits into someone else's account. Even a few weeks later, I am still trying to wrap my head around this concept. Banks….don’t...accept….cash?
This wasn’t my first negative experience with a bank for the day. I had walked into my local Credit Union at 3:30pm and requested to complete a wire transfer. They informed me that it was past the deadline for that day, I would have to come back tomorrow. In an attempt to avoid spending more time at the bank, I asked if I could do all the paperwork and have it go out tomorrow. “No, you can’t do that. We don’t have the systems in place for that. You will have to just come back tomorrow”. "Tomorrow" was actually Saturday so I would really have to come back on Monday.
Annoyed, I decided I would just go make a cash deposit. Easy, right? Wrong. There was a line of 10 people to see the bank teller so I figured I would just go to the ATM. The transaction I needed to complete was for $1,100 but I was notified at the ATM of my withdrawal limit of $500 per day so, back inside. After 20 minutes of waiting in line, I was finally able to access my money after filling out a piece of paper. And with this accomplished, I was finally on my way to Chase bank.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Will Government `Monies' Cause World Depression? OR `Why I'm A Bitcoin Bull'?

Just yesterday - the BS brought to you the information about the 700 TRILLION dollar industry ... the Financial Derivatives Industry...... Let that sink in.... 700 TRILLION that is being BET on the system itself..... like that GREECE who is in a depression, will be able to pay it's bills in Euros....same exactly for Spain..... and Puerto Rico.....(in dollars of course) .... and Argentina already in default.... and Detroit and the coming spasm about retirement systems...... So, YOU trust the POLITICIANS to work all this out right?

Personally, I'd say only an idiot thinks all this will be fixed above by Governments and Politicians. It almost all broke, the system itself,  in 2008 and barely was pieced together......... at this moment only about 6 billion dollars has escaped the government money - into the virtual currencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin and others. 90,000 merchants are already taking Bitcoin. They take it, turning some into dollars and saving some bitcoin,  because ultimately they know MANY spikes in `prices' of Virtual Currencies is down the road. Much like what initially happened when THE INNOVATORS realized what was up and the EARLY ADAPTERS came on-board.

I'd personally say... that may not be too far away at some level. And, eventually the virtual currencies will probably BUY each other UP and out of business.... with only a few surviving. Smaller governments may begin to use the alternative currencies rather than be subject to the whims of the BIG fake money governments. Usage will increase, not decrease.

Now, that does NOT mean that TPTB will put up a valiant fight for a bit of time and I hardly think the Military Industrial Complex is going anywhere soon.... but, THEY will eventually use the virtual currencies too and be restrained perhaps. A new dawning could be months, or it could be decades - one thing is SURE... the value of the `marketcap' of Virtual Currencies is going to grow exponentially. And when that period comes, when the market cap goes from 5 billion to 500 billion (compare that to the 700 trillion FAKE dollars in ONE industry) and then from 500 billion to 5 trillion or 50 trillion (the beginnings of a NEW WORLD CURRENCY will be at hand)...... what do you think a ONE Bitcoin (infinitely divisible) will be worth? Do you really think the MSM is going to tell you to invest? The ONE that you could have bought TODAY for about 400 dollars? 

Or, perhaps you think the Dogecoin (format - 3rd largest market cap) is going to be THE COIN in the future.... did you know that you could buy 10's of thousands of those TODAY for a few bucks.... penny stocks gone wild. There's smart folks that think Dogecoin could go to a dime or dollar a coin. There literally is a story behind all 150 virtual currencies. Barfstew is going to NOT leave this story behind and let it be ignored by the MSM. The BS is going to vastly increase Bitcoin stories and more.... this will be as much of a focus as sex, paranormal and politics. I hope you are ready for the ride.... and seriously, make today the day to get involved at some level.

So, today - in that regard I bring to you a guy I've seen on CNBC who faces down these STUPID folks who still believe in government money and not people currency. I will bring much of his recent posting...but dig in for more at the link.
I had lunch with a good friend of mine over the weekend. He is a well respected entrepreneur and has been an informal mentor to me over the past couple of years. He was actually the first person I ever told about my idea of building a Bitcoin investment fund and I often go to him for advice on management, growth, and the general stresses of entrepreneurship. He made his fortune from real estate and private lending and has never been involved in the technology side or high stakes world of venture capital. I have always felt it’s important to surround yourself with a mix of mentors and he definitely fits into the category of ‘traditional’.
Half way through the lunch, he finally asked me: “Brett why are you still doing this bitcoin thing? The price has dropped from $1100 to $300 and it’s quite obvious it’s in a major decline.”
I was shocked. I thought this guy was smart, what was he talking about!? Then I realized this is exactly where the problem is with Bitcoin. People are too caught up in only looking at the price and the daily value. This guy is smart but like many others he was just looking at the value of Bitcoin because thats all many of us focus on. Since we are a long only bitcoin investment fund, our entire business essentially depends on the value of Bitcoin but it doesn’t depend on the price today, next week or even next month. When we talk to investors who are considering investing in Bitcoin, we tell them this is a long term investment and will likely be binary. It’s going to be a roller coaster full of ups and downs over the upcoming years but eventually, we feel that the price will be much, much higher than it is today.
So, what am I looking at that my friend and so many others are missing? I am looking at the infrastructure being built around the Bitcoin ecosystem. I am looking at the 90,000 merchants accepting Bitcoin, the major brands like Expedia, Dish Network, and Dell computers.
Please read the full article at the link AT THE TOP. However, to get FREE Bitcoins to start you off - click the link below please. The BS would not steer you wrong.
Free Bitcoins every 24 hours.

No, I'm not done yet Barfsters. This is a chance to be more than Barfsters... this is a chance to be Barf-Stars. You can begin by putting your toe in the proverbially cold waters of change. As I have done... buying about a dollar a day in Bitcoin for the past two months (changing some into Dogecoin) in chucks of 3 to 5 `cents' of a bitcoin 0.05 for example. Bitcoin can normally be bought at Coinbase in units as small as 0.001 (about 40 cents worth).
So, I now `own' about 0.21 Bitcoin (today worth about 80 bucks) - I certainly will not stop until I have at least ONE Bitcoin in full. (Assuming no spike in prices.) And, what I'd like to do is guide you into Bitcoin easily as I have been doing on The BS for the past two months.
First, by pure chance my first purchase was with who PayPal is doing business with - the company is called COINBASE - and IF you ultimately purchase 100 dollars of Bitcoin from them - both YOU and I can make 5 EXTRA BITCOIN dollars value if you use my `affiliate link'. That's right YOU get 105 dollars for 100 ultimately (I also have to buy 100 dollars worth and will cross the 100 dollar barrier tomorrow). You can buy yours in chunks too - say 20 bucks worth at a time - when it crosses 100 we both get the 5 dollars of Bitcoin.
So, please, and for 5 extra dollars - check out Coinbase using my Coinbase Affiliate Link and get familiar. As I've mentioned before on The BS - this is serious - you need to give bank account info to BUY Bitcoin. Coinbase CAN be trusted. All that said, in a matter of minutes you can be buying Bitcoin. You will feel `advanced' when you do - like you are part of the new world beyond governments controlling money.
Finally for today - I've pushed two other links at you over the last few months in regards to Bitcoin (as you know). One is Satoshibet where you can use Dogecoin, Bitcoin or Litecoin.... to gamble anonymously. (Play for FREE first to test the waters I suggest.)
The other link is for Coins-E an `exchange' where you can swap Bitcoin for many virtual currencies like Dogecoin and about 20 others. I've been `playing' with about 0.10 Bitcoin at Coins-E for the last month... mainly buying Dogecoin (some KarmaCoin) - I have over 69,000 Dogecoins. 
Obviously, nearly everyone who has crossed the digital currency threshold expects it to GROW. There are places on the internet GIVING AWAY DOGECOINS. (All you need is a Dogecoin address.)
This Is One Such Website - There Are MANY Others

(don't miss the FREE Bitcoin links on this page)
(it explains how to get an address above too)
Now, don't START with this last link - start with the first one. This giving away of MONEY is not all that big a deal - a Dogecoin is worth about 0.00025 of a US Dollar each. Yes, a fraction of a penny. This is how I own 69K of them (out of 94 billion available in the world).
Finally - without all the ABOVE - I'd like to ALREADY thank the MANY MANY MANY of you that have went to Satoshibet and signed up to play (over 300 via my websites in 2 months) and the person or two that have ALREADY bought from my Coinbase Affiliate Link too.
As they used to say at the horse racetrack about 2 minutes before race time - DON'T GET SHUT OUT!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Flashlight Apps Are BS

How can this NOT be more widespread news? Oh, that's right - Ebola.... the planned distraction to the chance to debate our worthless political system..... hat-tip to my buddy Joel W
Word of warning - Reddit comments on this GIF indicate that American trains have tubes/hoses underneath and you'd end up being mashed potatoes.
The BS Entertains
And, with over a Million Views
Well, after the tease of a good looking female athlete in heels doing her thing..... we'll bring to you the 
BS Gallery
(never nude at the BS)
Entertained Yet?
Musings of a Data Thinker
I've been posting some of this guys material - it's really market research at it's rawest, put into graphics - with the logic applied to tell a story of the results. In this case - what makes a stable marriage (the media has cud chewed this already and spit out a bit or two - but it's a GREAT BS read.
only one example below
Bet you send the graphic above to someone
Crusted Bits Of BS
that's right, your favorites - the financial derivatives industry a CNBC link
The Slippery Slope Investigation Of One Of Those `Conspiracy'/Alternative/UFO websites Lists
which was nothing more than the FIRST one I checked
Barfsters Know
Speaking of a GOOD Story Of Chilling Proportions
a reaction of able-to-not-be phenomena?
Speaking Of The Unknown

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Devils Wheel

Already a Barfsters favorite:

I rode the devils wheel many years ago in Geauga Lake in Ohio.
From Smartest To Dumbest?
(the evolution question)

Those Stupid Turks - Right?
Yeah, it's the type of graphic that you would NEVER see in the good old USA MSM - EVER.
News not found on your local channels
Crusted Bits Of BS
Cop Retaliate Against `Cop Watch' Groups
label them as domestic terrorists
BS Survey Says - 6% Of Dreams Are Nightmares
true crappola sample of 25 - oh, the blind have more `nightmares'
And, Being DEAD Means `Living Conscious' For Up To 3 Minutes Says Survey

The Above Article Found Here
all kinds of non-ordinary stuff
18% Of LONG Term Unemployed Have ADVANCED Degrees
a bit different than that line we are fed about needing to import smart folks from abroad
Sick, Slippery Slope Stuff The MSM Avoids
Warning - Turn Around If This Happens To You

Supposedly Died From This event
The BS Entertains

Dear Lord
Must Be Time For The BS Gallery?
She Knows
Lovely Lizzy Indeed
Pokies, Panties
Model? Hooters Girl? Or.... Pole Grinder?
Entertained Yet?
Final Squidoo Salutes
2007 - The Buddhist Monk Is Alive
well, not actually - but is supposedly the FIRST person to ever be known to NOT decompose.
Hey, why not donate a few bucks - show your support - and get that Chemtrails bumper sticker for `free'?

Sunday, October 12, 2014

YouTube And Sexy Sunday

Barfsters Have Been Wondering Where Sexy Sunday Went? Hey, you can't overdue it.
Designer Beaver?
Fun Sexy Amazon Product Below
Speaking Of Sexy
Must Be The BS Gallery Around Here Somewhere
Teen Sexy

Sexy Evil Milk Series
The Train Voyeur Series
Go Check Out The Bitcoin Links
It's Sunday

Friday, October 10, 2014

Condom Worries - Too Small For Ugandan Men - Too Big For India Men

Now, you'd think that the MSM who is in love with the AIDS epidemic would be all over ANY deficit in the worlds `helping' to prevent it with the desperately poor of the world. You know, by passing out free condoms...... so, read about how PROBLEMS with the size of the condoms is affecting the fight against AIDS in certain countries... as sited above.
Condoms, A Slippery Slope
The Harpers Index?
Percentage of federal agencies whose servers have failed in the past twelve months : 94
Chance that a U.S. newspaper has a statehouse reporter : 1 in 3
Estimated amount of taxes and fees that Colorado has collected from the marijuana industry since legalization : $34,800,000
That Texas collects from undocumented workers each year : $1,608,534,000
The BS Entertains
We are still honoring Squidoo.Com and it's demise for lensmasters like myself around here - here's a tribute read called 
The 20 Dollar Theory Of The Universe
your sides will split with laughter on this one
The BS Entertains, we said,
The BS Gallery Of Sexy Women

Pushed Bra-Strap Rules In High School

Have A Preference?
Hi Def Train Voyeur Series
Blonde In A Blue Dress
Brunettes On The Outside Please
Most Reliable Pictures On The Internet?
Crusted Bits Of BS
Glasses Can Fix ColorBlindness
(from the BS bin that is overflowing)
This is Them below

Bitcoins Blue Whale
It's been one hellofa week for the cryptocurrency - after one seller in Europe sold 30,000 bitcoins at once for 300 bucks - ultimately selling 24,000 and holding the rest. That dip to 296 was followed by a rally all week to the 360 range today. What, you still don't own any Bitcoin?
Now Go Find Some Big Ad To Click Somewhere