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Monday, August 31, 2015

The Ethereum Sensation

I was not caught completely off guard like many concerning Ethereum and knew that its release would cause ripples... but... not like this... and some are saying it could compete with the God of Crypto, Bitcoin, for marketcap - in as little as a few years or less. Rumors abound about it... that large companies want to use it... that pension funds want to buy and hold it... that Augur will be amazing.... etc.

All that said... how about links from the Cryptoworld as I continue to put together a big post for all.
First... Ethereum
Fourth In Marketcap
as of 8/31/15

Blog Post About Ethereum's Security

meanwhile, some say this `leaked' chat memo indicates Ethereum has a ways to go in development:

Ethereum Launches..... BUT
will all this cashflow help?

Many who are part of the Ethereum gold rush point at this tape where an intelligent woman at 2:15 identifies Ethereum as the connection potential for the Internet Of Things. IMB is bigtime and so is the marketcap of Ethereum already:

Mystical Bitcoin?

MAZA Coin Blog..... Will there be an Indigenous Coin?

Hey, why settle for a million, right?

CNBC asks... will it break or be better than ever?
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Friday, August 7, 2015

Blockchain Size Becomes New Focus?

Yes... still working on that huge `reference' update for you... be patient.
Obviously... more than 7 transactions a second are needed if the BTC blockchain is going to grow..... what to do and when is a new focus for the entire CryptoCurrency segment and traders. Are there even other potentials too? - Forks which leave BTC behind? Will `value' be driven by practical usage for business and banking - including non BTC options/coins?

Lots of breaking and interesting developments in just the last couple weeks... wanted to get a few of those trends and so forth into your vision... worth your read.
Here's the call for the blockchain size to double by November 2015 while others are calling for a change in the fee structure of BTC up to a 20 fold increase.
All of the calls above are because of a relative explosion in BTC usage recently... as shown by a variety of links below.
For Example
It does seem that some Americans are getting the idea.

BTC is being seen as a hedge against inflation in crappy economies based on higher value currencies... Is Greece next?

over 2,500 already

a way to avoid the capital controls in China, interesting read



Is Ribbit.Me in the forefront - RibbitRewards (coin)

Sounds like we are talking REAL money here

(he says in 15 years)
Coinbase has established itself as on top of the BTC experience in America IMO


the unbanked is a huge market potential, obviously

Paul has been silent for too long? Article is from Gary Johnson who was the Libertarian Candidate before.

Could this idea be a catalyst?
Are you convinced yet that you might want to own some Bitcoin?