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Sunday, September 27, 2015

What IF... There Was A BitRuble?

As you are aware... other than perhaps MAZA coin.. no other current cryptocurrency can truly be tied to ANY sovereign nation... and as you are aware... one nation in it's eyes has been `under attack' and it's currency has taken a HUGE hit via sanctions and with the declining price in Oil.... yes.. that would describe Russia... the old USSR..... led by as big an ego maniac they say as our own Donald... a guy that just might go his own way... as he already has shown to the world.. and who just might ONE UP the entire world.... with the BitRuble move... peg his currency to not a basket of Fiat currencies but to the international price of the Bitcoin Cryptocurrency.

So WHAT IF.. suddenly a NATION was using it's resources to REPRICE it's trade? Via the BITCOIN structure? Could it be the EXACT mechanism needed for the long awaited Bitcoin Spike? Could all trade with Russia suddenly be the new market for other nations having to pay in BitRubles? Does ANYONE NOT UNDERSTAND what that would do to demand?

Here's a few tokens of what I've been reading.... your comments?
The Russian Bitcoin Factor

a huge positive... OR... the Banning Of Bitcoin?

he makes a joking point about Bitcoin being the only currency down more than the Ruble

is this INSIDE buying?

In Other Crypto News

and they will be more impressed by the price spike that they avoided

like gold and oil

perhaps the biggest recent news of all

Also Worth Noting - Perhaps

most interesting is the contention that the value may be in other coins 

one amazing website IMO

the easy easy case for why you need to own more than 0.002 BTC

I bookmarked this one

BTC's new image..... Vegas .... of course

interestingly... it gets NO trades hardly

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