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Thursday, November 26, 2015

Bitcoin To Become 6th Largest Reserve Currency Within 15 Years?

For such a headline and statement - CNBC sure presents a lameish article here IMO.... even quoting someone calling it's value a fraud. More and more however there seems to be a motif that the blockchain is more valuable than BTC... but another point of view says YES... true... but... BTC will be the store of the value of the technology - Full article is here - the article also notes that 90% of the currency value is being held for speculation. Indeed. Don't sell cheap if you have a few.
Indeed.... here's another article saying the banks will move into BTC technology by Next Year ... while Jamie Dimon.. the old guard says Bitcoin Is Going To Be STOPPED and that the value is a fraud.... this indeed could get nasty. 
Never underestimate the powers that be.
Happy Thanksgiving