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Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Hearn Bitcoin Analysis Shakes Market

It has already been an eventful 2016 in nearly all financial markets as you know... most markets have taken significant hits to marketcap, While BTC Soared In The First Days Of 16...and that includes Cryptocurrencies in general too. But, now, already,  there are significant new patterns too - such as the surge in certain fiat values despite BTC's volatility - and yes... we are speaking about the Ethereum fiat value spike (to 2.22 as of this post) as folks search anew for a new `Bitcoin' - to replace a flawed product as it now stands - perhaps...... I'll let Hearn explain it all via this link and the excerpt below: Hearn Leaves BTC - Selling All His Coins - Trashing The Coin While Exiting (Jan14th)

"From the start, I’ve always said the same thing: Bitcoin is an experiment and like all experiments, it can fail. So don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose. I’ve said this in interviews, on stage at conferences, and over email. So have other well known developers like Gavin Andresen and Jeff Garzik.
But despite knowing that Bitcoin could fail all along, the now inescapable conclusion that it has failed still saddens me greatly. The fundamentals are broken and whatever happens to the price in the short term, the long term trend should probably be downwards. I will no longer be taking part in Bitcoin development and have sold all my coins.

Why has Bitcoin failed? It has failed because the community has failed. What was meant to be a new, decentralised form of money that lacked “systemically important institutions” and “too big to fail” has become something even worse: a system completely controlled by just a handful of people." 
Immediately... the price tanked from 430ish to 360ish - and every follow up MSM article made the coin value even more reactive - both ways... as many articles pointed out it was the 90th declaration of BTC being dead..Bitcoin Isn't Dead.... YET... and many point out that now the `community' will have some fire under its ass to make the needed changes.... we will see.
Since the Hearn analysis, the coin generating the most trading interest and that seems to have the most development potential and everyone's favorite... Ethereum... here's some recent ETH links to get you up to speed:

Here's The Numbers
and another of the crowd favorites of late is

Oh, on the same day as Hearn made his announcement.... Cryptsy officially offered up an explanation by Big Vern indicating the loss of 10,000 BTC and 300,000LTC in a wallet theft in 2014.... at times now the website seems dead.... over 10K BTC loss by investors.... including about .09BTC by yours truly.
MORE Crypto News

And for those who say ... who controls the info controls the news and flow will note the Sale Of CoinDesk - a major source of BTC info and analysis.
Buckle Your Seatbelts, 2016 Looks Wild

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Is Craig Steven Wright ..... Mr. Bitcoin? ....Satoshi Nakamoto

As always... tons is happening in the BTC scene but few IMO expected that Satoshi Nakamoto was perhaps about to be revealed to all -- or has he been? The follow up to this Wired Article I bet will finally settle the case once and for all.... now about those taxes on 1.1 million coins?
The connection between the blockchain (bitcoin technology to the MSM) and banking is seemingly growing daily - is a power shift going on?
The Ethereum team calls the prediction market the 7th information revolution an interesting read.
The 14 Biggest Bitcoin Headlines (and stories) Of 2015 you can learn a lot in a small amount of time with this click.
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