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Monday, March 27, 2017

Alts Explode - Bitcoin Erodes - Market Cap: $24,293,597,973 / 24h Vol: $586,197,519 / BTC Dominance: 68.6%

The tale of the tape at CoinMarketCap is above as I write this post on Monday, March 27th - perhaps 1 week from Bitcoin's marketcap no longer being 2/3's of the marketplace. Eroding much like the dominance of the American Dollar for decades...only much quicker. But, unlike the fiat game - no government issued "dollar" is rising - only an increasing crowded field trying to corner peoples perception of value. - Sorry once again for the two week break in posting...let's see if a smidgen can be caught up by looking at the news below.

Hashpower Contracts From 30.00 USD
Blockchain, Bitcoin and Alts...News

The version of Bitcoin - Bitcoin Unlimited - has not been as favorably received in the marketplace as hoped - Tokens Are Down Up To 20% From Opening - preceding a possible hard fork of BTU. Even at this would be the 2nd most valuable token in price (around ETH in marketvalue?). The rally against changing the status quo continues to grow. All that said...find out the whole political story about the versions of Bitcoin at Coin Dance of today only..BTU seems strong. But...again BUT - BTU - already has had some bugs and one was fixed behind "closed doors"....but the miners in China...want to move to it anyway.

Another example of the flood of newbies into crypto - is that Local Bitcoins reached a new volume record. To me, it's just funny that to feel that BTC is real some folks need that first face to face meeting with someone.

Meanwhile...a politician in India - calls Bitcoin a Ponzi Scheme - as use there skyrockets.'s real news about the blockchain and how it is changing the world - much like the Bell Labs of decades ago.

You say you want to read about one of the latest hot "coins" - sure, here's the website for PIVX - Private Instant Verified Transactions, branding...quite important.

Did you know that about 2/3's of all sub-Saharan African people are employed "informally" - seems the Blockchain  is ripe with opportunities when that's the case. However - here's a point of view that thinks all the blockchain hype...may be just that - in some niches it is proposed for.

Speaking of being disruptive - how would you like to be paid for the content you consume after all ...your attention is valuable.

With some many of new Crypto Currency traders entering the market - how about the story of one traders first Strategy - it's the wild wild west all over again.
If this is your first time here - you'll love the archive - look around...some folks view up to 1000 pages before leaving...seriously.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Flood Of Newbies Drives Alts Higher After ETF Denial

Despite nearly unprecedented volatility - the BTC market continues a strong new pattern of upward price support - once again nearing the price of an ounce of gold. And, the alts, which had been beaten down in price preceding the ETF announcement on Friday, have soared with the flood of newbies that have entered the world of Bitcoin and trading Bitcoin. How long will it be before the major trading bots rob them of 1/2 their funds?

You'll want to remember the above lesson as it seems that multiple ETF proposals are already in the works...this was only round one.........ready for some Blockchain and Bitcoin reads? Thought so.
Blockchain Links Worth Reading
the longs, the shorts, the ups and downs of the Bitcoin phenomena

Leading the news, of course, is the initial reaction to the ETF Denial by the SEC.... positioning the ETF denial as consumer protection from uncertainties with BTC such as block size issue, attacks on the system, and a possible hard fork creating two assets... time for Bitcoin to finally address the size issue. The Winklevoss Twins are going to continue their ETF pursuit. 
So...if and when an ETF is approved...what could we expect?
And, here's an article lamenting the Huge Rise in BTC's price..and suggesting that investing in coins of small value might be a better "to the moon" outcome than BTC at this point...I think he'd have some pushback on this point from many.
Initial Coin Offerings...or ICO's offer the ground floor opportunities and often the prices to make real gains possible. Read more anytime at this website.
I have bought my first "mining" contract at Genesis-Mining - the way they work it is that if you use my affiliate link - you save 3% on the price (at the same time they reward me too for sending you..a win win) lcS0Un With Genesis Mining you get to mine either BTC or many other coins of your choosing - you can change your mining mix at any time. Buying "hashpower" is one of the easiest ways to acquire Bitcoin over the long run.
Contracts begin at 30 bucks can pay in multiple manners including Bitcoin. Most folks re-invest their earnings in more hashpower for quicker ROI.
500,000 People Mine With Genesis
(When You Buy Some Hashpower - Use The Code In Red)

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Blockchain Links Worth Reading

Today TCR will provide more blockchain news, theory  and overviews of the cryptocurrency markets and developments... I'm sort of cleaning up some backlog of them.
Blockchain And Bitcoin Links
If you were here for the last post...I suggested that you avoid the various "slow ponzi" btc scams currently out there... indeed you will find some advertised here on this blog via their own targeting - more than buyer beware..avoid....Now that said...there is a way that I've made BTC for nearly two years now and that is A-ADS.COM - now - only click the link IF you have a BLOG (or very strong social media presence) as what you do would be to put their various banners on your blogging. Usually, multiple times each week I see deposits for .001btc in my account.  177 payments so far. Try it.

If you think that it is FINALLY time that you got yourself a bit of should know the best way is from Coinbase...and the best way to do it at Coinbase is through someone's referral link. Seriously....Do you want to know why? Because if you use a Referral Link to sign up - then whenever you exceed buying your first 100 USD fiat of Bitcoin...then Coinbase will give YOU and the referral (yes, that's us) 10 USD ....EACH of us. in bitcoin, buy 100 dollars of Bitcoin and get 110 dollars of Bitcoin. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Price Of Gold Ounce And One Bitcoin Play Tag

At the moment of writing this on the morning of the 7th of March is priced at 1228 USD and Bitcoin...after some profit taking last night is at 1235 USD...after falling briefly below 1200. Perhaps the psychology of the crowd wants the two prices to be associated with each other - it is indeed a tough realization to internalized IMO. Are the powers that be worried? Is that ETF really going to happen?

I hope that you read our last post about AVOIDING the 'lifetime investment' scams involving slow pay ponzi's - and while I will get to the GOOD btc ideas out there to make let's focus on the links.
Blockchain and Bitcoin Links
Here's a CNBC link that talks of the rumored Bitcoin long in the works. The effects of the price? No one knows.

And here's Bloomberg - positioning ETHEREUM as Bitcoin's top rival...and what's next for it (the end of mining). 2017, everyone wants to get a sense of what the Trump Adminstration's view about Crypto will be.... fingers crossed. Already the DHS is granting Factom money for blockchain development. Indeed, Factom...also has had recent news at cranking out a Commercial Product For The Mortgage Industry - as uses for the blockchain proliferate. 

The Philosopher King of Crypto Vitalik Buterin in this paper discusses the theory edge of rewards and punishments they relate to crypto. Meanwhile...Russia is investigating claims of fraud at Crypto Exchange Yo-Bit.

There is of course...a continued evolution in how Bitcoin is being viewed by not only the powers that be...but by the mainstream media ..which this report may be becoming more balanced in the UK. And, as has been continually a point in those in favor of the blockchain taking over the world.... development in Africa is hinging on it's development.

Is 14,000 USD Bitcoin Coming By 2018? Lots of predictions for the moon for sure.

Going  to get to a huge backlog of links in the next posting.

Friday, March 3, 2017

The Slow Ponzi - BitATM and BitMiner - A Review

Hello readers - at the end of the last post I had a link to BitMiner and their promises of earning .0006btc a day for FREE (other than a btc deposit address) here's that  BitMiner link - and today here's a link for a similar business set-up BitATM with promises of .0005btc a day. I will detail in this post my experiences with each.

I first noticed BitATM's ad on one of my blogs and somehow it stuck in my mind enough to search out the website - and it was off to the races. Seemingly, the new site - less than three weeks old (19 days old then, just turned 43 days old) when I invested -  and seemingly checked out more than other Bitcoin ponzi's, "lifetime incomes" and similar Bitcoin scams I'd seen since 2014. This one (BitAtm) had a  persons name behind the operation, and a functioning and easy to use dashboard/webpage. With BitATM, the "catch" to earning .0005btc a day was to buying in on the first level for .01btc (about 10 bucks fiat a couple weeks ago) - not too steep a climb for myself, so I did. The best feature at BitATM (other than an awesome name) was that it promised to Instantly return your deposit and any profits you earn - "instantly" to your given btc deposit address.
Rarely Was It Instant
BitATM business plan does not include FREE Bitcoin, you have to buy in with your .01btc investment (in stupidity).

All I can say is that at this stage of the game...that is exactly what happened for me - and I was able to earn the profit - to withdraw it and to withdraw my .01btc investment.
  • Earned Total:
  • Pending Withdrawal:
  • Withdrew Total:
  • Active Deposit:


While the website promised free withdraws...I found that I was charged 10,000 satoshis for  EACH transaction (I made 5  withdraws my first "investment", each one requiring a bit of time that was not instant.) There was reason to be suspicious by their over promising on instant and free withdraws. 

Nonetheless as you can see from above I "made" .0051btc over the course of a short time frame of  the constantly updating (hourly) deposits from BitATM - shown hourly on a page for you to see, 2100 Satoshis each hour. It was a good return (I left a small token of 7000 satoshis in my account at the end of my first investment - BEFORE once again going in for the BUY IN of .01btc about a week later again, about two weeks ago now).

I thought I had done my homework - looking at a Badbitcoin list of websites - and, I also followed all the links posted on the BitATM webpage, and they seemed to check out...ultimately BitATM is the company of evidently a British man - Aidan LAMBERT - who also seems to have some interest in a gambling website. BItATM seems to indicate being tied to the BitFury mining pool.
Dear could be a possibly legit way to get folks into Crypto - or was it the beginnings of a ponzi....
As it was.... I was suckered in the 2nd time. And, almost right was apparent I was gonna be ripped off.

The bad part...I had given my affiliate link to a blogging friend....and he put in his .01BTC... (I was waiting on my end to see my affiliate Btc reward too)...and while his BTC was gone and it was recorded as being a Referral for my showed that the account never activated.... (one can only join by depositing the active deposit - RED FLAG) never got paid and my friend never even got the fake, unremovable btc from his it always remained at Zero.

Of possible interest is the Live Stats and indeed what they say in a sense

Looking at their LIVE Stats shows the BS
# of members and BTC Deposited
3218 day 19 - BTC in 1038btc
4034 day 31 - BTC in 1360btc
1391 day 37 - BTC in 1391btc
5167 day 43 - BTC in 1442btc
718BTC - DAY 19
1065 - DAY 31
1110 - DAY 37
1117 - DAY 43
 Eventually - today - I got an E-Mail from BitATM about a special offer to deposit 1 Bitcoin and get it back instantly...the latest deposits all show huge deposits coming problem, IF anyone is still getting paid...the latest payouts dont show anyone getting much at all. And here's my final attempts to get my deposit and earnings back....NOTHING since Feb 26th.
Referrals: 1
Active referrals: 0

Total referral commission: Ƀ0.00000000
Withdrawal request Ƀ 0.01000000 [cancel] Mar-2-2017 02:05:17 PM

Withdrawal request Ƀ 0.00190000 [cancel] Feb-26-2017 04:16:16 PM



cheated of .005btc

(I have also blocked BitMiner from my blogs via

I have much less nice things to report about BitMiner (LOL) ... a system in place for a claimed 250 days plus WHEN I STARTED  (which I construed as good...without checking deeper first - dumb perhaps). It too has seen an explosion in interest as evidenced by it's live statistics too. Especially in just the past few weeks. 
But like BitATM - it too appears to be nothing more than a slow ponzi, same British set up, etc....the promise of FREE Bitcoin at the .0006 level each day a foolish come on. (But perhaps a brilliant way to force noobies to obtain their first bitcoin wallet address.)

Interestingly, it was only after I had actually made a withdraw of "profit" at BitATM the first time that I signed up for my FREE bitcoin from BitMiner. I watched it grow...knowing that one cannot withdraw the FREE bitcoin until it hit the minimum withdraw of .005btc. Meanwhile...I told a buddy...who watched his grow... I bit first...and up "Upgdared" --- NO...not upgraded... UPGDARED (their typo...which I pointed out via Email and never got a response OR did they ever fix's still there spelled this way).... I should have known at that moment.....but then my buddy upgraded and even another buddy I turned onto the link had upgraded - each of these upgrades costing .01btc - the same business approach as BitATM....only BitMiner promised even more...with the upgrade we were to expect .0012btc a DAY....yeah....right.

I'm not gonna slug you through the details but the pattern was once again the same.... you'll be able to pull out that first withdraw for .005 - and never get another.. so...WHY you ask? well, when you go to withdraw you next get suddenly a pop-up box you see below...detailing your LOW IPV...something NEVER mentioned anywhere on the website. IPV you ask? Instant Payout Value...which is conveniently below their preset level of .005 for you sense a catch 22?
AFTER getting paid the only time on the 13th... I began to have IPV problems on the 15th and never have received any bitcoin since.

2017-02-15 20:12:09 1308716 -0.00500000 BTC Withdraw Cancelled
And below I provide the unexpected IPV box when you got to withdraw a second time.
Increase your IPV for instant withdrawals, or wait 20+ days until your withdrawal is processed manually.

Your IPV (Instant Payout Value) is Low (0.00412300 BTC) | What is IPV?

IPV allows you to withdraw instantly without waiting days for manual processing.
- Upgrading BitMiner to V1.2 will greatly increase IPV and make withdrawals process faster.
- IPV increases every time your referrals upgrade their BitMiner. We strongly recommend to invite referrals.
- IPV slightly increases every day depending on your BitMiner version. Higher version gives more IPV.
- You can upgrade to V1.4, this is the highest version and have infinite IPV. All V1.4 withdrawals are instant.

- If you don't feel like upgrading or inviting referrals - try to cancel existing orders and withdraw lesser amount (from 0.005 BTC)
So, they shamelessly tell you to go out and recruit more for the ponzi or to buy in yourself at a higher level...with no guarantee of what you IPV will be btw....
IF it smells like a skunk....

Bottom line
one friend got back his .01 total (no profit)
one friend got .005 total (lost .005btc)
I got back .005, (and lost .005)  despite providing TWO friends who upgraded their accounts and upgrading myself.

So, pay some and rip others...the slow ponzi... the internet seems to have lots of them out there (some on this page) super cautious...don't have any expectations and don't ever go over your head.

(I will talk about what I consider legit in my next post.)