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Monday, April 17, 2017

Ripple, LTC, And Others Rip Crypto A New One

Certainly the story this past month has been the unprecedented increase in volume for the Ripple coin (interestingly, the founders said very early in the year they intended to feature Ripple more)... at one time trading was so intense to cause delays and outright failures of exchanges...on Poloniex - 24 hour volumes were over 160,000 btc's at one point. Ripple has been ripe with banking business connections for some period of time. An actual business in Crypto...who woulda thought. And THEN the same thing nearly happened with LiteCoin.
Bitcoin And Blockchain Reads

Seems the CEO Of BitPay has endorsed the SegWit activation.
LiteCoin is already moving strongly the last two weeks because of potential SegWit activation.... here's a prediction for 14.00 USD - you can still make some quick cash it seems.
Mass acceptance of Bitcoin is happening everyday all around the world - for example - now - Two Major Retailers In Japan are now taking it. Transactions are limited to about 900 dollars. More Japan Bitcoin news.
Right now...this blog has your attention...that's valuable and one Crypto coin is poised to do something about about Synereo - new business models are busting loose.
A man named Craig Wright...may or may not be the man (or team) to create the Bitcoin technology less than 10 years ago - now it's possible he's attracted a 300 Million Dollar Investment in up to 80 blockchain related patents. This is BIG.
And, yet another voice that says by 2030 - ONE Bitcoin (currently about 1220.00) will be worth half a million - and you say you STILL don't own any? At least buy a nickle worth (about 60 bucks) someday...that Coinbase link is above remember?
It takes a lot to proclaim any Crypto Currency THE coin of 2017 - but this is exactly what this article says about SYScoin.
Some...don't have such a rosy outlook on Crypto...that said, most of these coins on this list were EARLY coins that absorbed all the incoming crypto money which literally had NO where to 800 coins later...a lot of early charts and before the btc explosion... looked like this Altcoin Obituaries.
thanks for your attention
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