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Friday, December 29, 2017

Will 8.00 RIPPLE Dethrone BITCOIN (In MarketCap?)

Just over one month ago this blog asked if the coming Bitcoin Futures markets meant 10,000.00 Bitcoin? Two months ago this blog asked if a "flash peak" was possible in Bitcoin to 25,000.00 as awareness rose and holders...held instead of selling/trading. And, just yesterday for the second time in the past month...the Cryptocurrency Ripple has moved into (back into really as it has been the #3 for a long time before Bitcoin Cash) #3...and TODAY is poised to move ahead of Ethereum into number two.'s not too big of a question at all to suggest that Ripple could continue it's run...with a MUCH more accessible price to the masses (in a psychological sense) - and overtake the marketcap of Bitcoin....... AND THAT....could have a profound effect on the overall market and the psychology of the market, because if Bitcoin is no longer number one in the "Bitcoin Space"...then the negative attributes of Bitcoin are going to come to the forefront - and more "coins" are going to be included in the MSM discussion....such as on CNBC.

Now...8 bucks USD is only a quadrupling of the current price approximately (something large and silly to suggest in any investment space other than crypto)...and it IS a hill to be climbed - but it's hard to say if it could all happen in just one spurt - or will take a much longer time-frame. Perhaps Ripple will simply bask in being number two and holding off an ETHEREUM pump of some sort.

Finally...since the early days of Crypto...Ripple has been the one coin actively pursuing real business relationships with BANKS..big money personified...let's see this play out. Have any comments? #8dollarripple 
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