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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Bitcoin 10,000.00 Last Time - UP Or DOWN?

If one thing is's that the crypto market is THE wild wild west... and now with futures...and a look at what constitutes real value...the hard reality is that Bitcoin may or may not be ready for the BIG time - as this is being posted...10,000 dollars USD seems to be the new bottom or last hurrah with 5 figures as the top.... a trend almost impossible to know the outcome of. Also, the Coinmarketcap - % of BTC dominance is right at 33.3% - a critical level perhaps.

Below, I've got an eclectic collection of Blockchain and other types of links designed to appeal to those such as you can find out by visiting this blog's sidebar...there is much to enjoy. Thanks for stopping by.
 Blockchain And The Bit-Stew
The powerhouses are now "protecting" the masses - as just yesterday...Facebook announced that they are banning Ad's That Promote Crypto-Currencies - as you know...all over the world..TPTB are cracking down as their power is usurped. 
In this recent interview - John McAfee talks about why the banks are scared shitless by crypto.
A Few Words From Anonymous
84,000 Views...10 Days About a 28-1 Positive To Negative Reaction
So, "researchers" have determined that the first Bitcoin rise in value...years ago from 150 to 1000 was likely driven by only ONE person.... (is it/was it 20 now) - read all about this proven for some.
Are you wondering where the bottom might be for Bitcoin price in the short's an analysis from LAST month...when the scare began...that suggested 5,600.00 could be a bottom...protect your assets.
In other worlds
From the Reddit subreddit called NOSLEEP - comes a real chiller of a tale...remember..all writing on NOSLEEP is to be considered REAL - I ran into my HS Sweetheart at the 10 year reunion tonight - the one I married?
--------------- about some UFO reports from THIS MONTH from
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