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Thursday, March 22, 2018

ATACAMA - The 6 Inch "Alien" Skeleton - Is Now Known To Be Human

Surprisingly...have some breaking "Barf" like news for you today - that S.American "alien" has been proven to a human with various genetic problems. A Rare CNN Link Nonetheless.
In some Bitcoin news... The CEO of Twitter...says that Bitcoin will be the WORLDs single currency within a decade...and you own how much? It might not be a bad idea to Buy The Dip With Your Visa Card Even - at today's low prices... 8,600 or can buy a "penny" of Bitcoin for about 86 bucks.... can you really go wrong?
I've been saying this for some time when it came to "UFO/Orb" videos... ..what you ask? That The YouTube Search Pushes Conspiracy And Extreme Content - a bit barfy.
As you might know...the FUD about nearly all crypto is HIGH right now... which partially is shown by the lower price right now...(or was it simply a correction of the charts)...but part of the FUD..recently denied...was that who sold at 6,000 - had to do with This - And The Crash May Have Been Pushed So To Speak - and the IMF...generally supportive of now repeating the Idea The Crypto Needs Regulation.
Barf Bit 2018
How About Some Conspiracy Theory?
And, Finally - from the shores of Georgia
 An image of the strange sea creature.  (Image credit: Jeff Warren)
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