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Friday, October 26, 2018

Florida Skunk Ape Video

Welcome to Bit-Stew.... here's some barf for you to chew on...seems interesting to say the least.... comments at YouTube are interesting too and one is highlighted below.

Comment From YouTube
Toosuna Kabooma
1 day ago
This  is west central Florida Hillsboro pasco Hernando polk counties. Everything a skunkape could possibly have a hankerin'for is in morbid abundance here. This is a place these creatures can thrive in virtually undetected with the  security of some of the most vile humid mosquito fire ant rattlesnake cottonmouth gator wild boar death and serious injury awaiting even the most seasoned and armed humanoid.All this and hurricanes to stir it all up every year or so. White tail deer are in such abundence that they are frequently seen in broad daylight roaming around the huge parking area  surrounding the land o lakes Pasco county jail. HUNDREDS OF THEM!! Can I get a witness on the deer at the lol jail?Anyone that has seen them tearing trim off parked cars and hand feeding them cheese doodles wont soon forget the sight. And sasquatch love venison tartar. All a skunkape can eat... The footage shot in  that area of the state parks  swampy swamp is some kind of awful. The mosquitos will carry you  away  and they arent all that impressed with any of the heavy hitters repellant wise. When the creature was splsshing around down there there was large gobs of   pissed off fireants floating around  the size of trash can lids . The states department of tourism makes every effort to prevent potential visitors from being enlightened as to just how many things that are here that want to shorten your visit by bringing about your death and disappearance  from this earthly plane.In conclusion, anything with      the coconuts to wallow in that  stuff like  they were at Sandals waiting for their tee time aint new to the experience and theyve got an entourage. Skunkape or otherwise I got to add it to the list of stuff in Florida that wants you dead or at least bleeding profusely.
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"90,000 Years Ago In A Romantic Cave"
Can A Trump Wedding Dress Option Be Far Off?
Perhaps you have heard of Bitcoin...have you heard of Ripple?
Ripple Designates Three Exchanges To Trade Out Ripple - and Bittrex is one of them. Ripple costs 46 cents each...what if IT became the world currency?
Barfstew's Bet Is That You Haven't Dug Into The Archive

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Goblin In Argentina Makes Children Flee

Here's a bit of Barfstew for you.... what could be anything from a child or dog in a plastic bag to ...a Goblin - can be seen in the short video always...the anomaly is hazy and indistinct - I also provide the coast to coast link for a bit more context.

And here is Coast To Coast AM's treatment of the story. Bit-Stew.
Let's jump right into the UFO fire next with this video from man in the comments says he saw it and it was clearly sky lanterns... the person videoing the phenomena or lanterns could hardly have done a poorer job... true Bit-Stew.

A bit too much barf to be taken too seriously.
============================================= other news
Michigan Cheerleader accused of handing out pot laced brownies in effort to get Homecoming Queen vote... 3 of the 12 brownies were recovered.
------------------------------------------ about a DEEP read into pornography, feminism and get the idea 
The Great Fucker In The Sky - with some great quotes such as:
"When we think about capitalism and porn, we mostly concentrate on the fact that it's a multi-billion-dollar business and therefore representations are somehow accurate reflections of what men want, and that what they want is misogynist bullshit. If we continue to demonize, stigmatize, and illegalize porn and its consumers, we will reinforce the silences that in turn reinforce the status quo.   Basically, if "good guys" (or girls) are not supposed to use porn, there is no way for "good guys" (or girls) to speak up as porn consumers, and the assholes will continue to rule the show."
Thanks for your visit... Please dig into the archive for much more.