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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Can CryptoCurrencies Still Increase 1000 Fold?

Lots of Bit-Stew here in this two minute read which even features Buterin being misquoted or interpreted. (I recently heard Buterin...he speaks evidently...perfect english without any accent I could detect.) 1000 Times Your Money? - You can invest in crypto on this very page....look for the links at the top and bottom of the page.
How about a fun read? Congratulations On Your Promotion To The Position Of My Boyfriend - all about relationship expectations... very humorous.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Will 1.50 Ripple Dethrone Bitcoin For King Of Crypto?

Boy how things have changed, right? Not too long ago - I was speculating that it would take Ripple priced at 8.00 to catch Bitcoin in market value.... then the slide in value - and now, Ripple's marketcap is $13,719,000,000 and it sells for  $0.336000 - yes, 33 cents. Bitcoin as of this moment is at $62,221,647,714 $3,569.78 ,,,,,, So...a 5 fold increase gives the world a new leader...will it happen?
Speaking about Barfstew.... the woman in the picture below generated this story with her actions (banned in Europe?) ...

Image of Oral Sex Woman
Is This A Ghost Caught On Camera?

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