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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Scientist Says the Earth’s Magnetic Field will Enable Telepathy on a Global Scale

If you are going to envision what's possible...why not include the idea that the Earth's Magnetic Field is constantly interacting with all brains on the planet and STORES THE INFO...that is retrievable. An excerpt from the read, No More Secrets and the video is below:
Dr. Persinger's research seems to indicate that the geomagnetic field can store and transmit all the information of every human brain in history. 
The video is from 2007 - and has some interesting comments you can see from clicking the link directly above the video. One top comments suggests that in 2007 the military already not only had all of this tech...but had ways to block it. Real or Barfstew?
At Barfstew - we love research - with small samples and strange premises - Death Metal inspires joy. Click to read more and enjoy the excerpt - Inspire Joy With Death Metal - :
"We used 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams as a [comparison]," said Dr Sun.
Swedish death metal band: Bloodbath
Each participant was played Happy or Eaten through headphones, while they were shown a pair of images - one to each eye. One image showed a violent scene, such as someone being attacked in a street. The other showed something innocuous - a group of people walking down that same street, for example.

"It's called binocular rivalry," explained Dr Sun. The basis of this psychological test is that when most people are presented with a neutral image to one eye and a violent image to the other - they see the .... 
Read the link to find out. Gotta be BS right?
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Saturday, March 16, 2019

Yes - Beto O'Rourke Was In ' Cult Of The Dead Cow' - America's Oldest Hacking Group

Limited Edition 'Cult Of The Dead Cow' Pin Shown Below
On Amazon - Click For Info - 12 bucks
In a long detailed Reuters article, Beto O'Rourke is shown to totally fill the shoes of the rebel for Human Rights; as evidently, he was a teenager when part of the "hacktivism" group called "Cult Of The Dead Cow". 
(This article is adapted from a forthcoming book, “Cult of the Dead Cow: How the Original Hacking Supergroup Might Just Save the World” by Joseph Menn)
Some excerpts:
"The hugely influential Cult of the Dead Cow, jokingly named after an abandoned Texas slaughterhouse, is notorious for releasing tools that allowed ordinary people to hack computers running Microsoft’s Windows. It’s also known for inventing the word “hacktivism” to describe human-rights-driven security work."
Much more at the link - Beto's Secret Membership In Cult Of The Dead Cow - will be interesting to see the MSM spin on this.

It's already a best seller - seriously
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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

People Now Blanketing The World Via Blockstream Satellite

Yep, folks are sending all kinds of weird and off the wall messages for a few pennies worth of Bitcoin. The goal is to make Bitcoin Available To Those Without Internet Connections - that still needs a Satellite receiver. The method seemingly would also prevent governments from censorship of messages - in theory.
wing, sky, technology, boat, wave, wind
Satellite Receiver
Anyway...folks are sending all kinds of messages from poetry to "whimsical thoughts" and do it at a website called Spacebit.Live  it's very easy to use - go ahead...tell the world your secret.
Has Dershowitz been dragged into the slimey Jeffrey Epstein Saga? Barfstew at it's finest...
One of Kroger's Retail Chains Has Dropped Vias

Internetless Bitcoin Is Coming

With Video Of Startled Passengers
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