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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Wuhan Virus Predicted 40 Year Ago In Book

As the world contemplates the 20x more deadly than the typical flu - the  Coronavirus - all of a sudden we get the strangeness that it was part of a book plot 40 years ago... pictures to prove it at the link. A Dean Koontz Book - not Barfstew...or is it.
A novel predicted Wuhan virus 40 years before Coronavirus outbreak

Girl Throws Snake
Here's one full of the stew... Cyberpunk Witches Love Bitcoin - seems freedom to make sales on platforms like Ebay or Etsy have been less than friendly.
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Stuck Girl

Wait...are you here for the Lurid side of BS?
Lurid Burger King Mascot
Teen Bikini
And Finally
Is Virtual Reality ---- Digital LSD?
Microsoft thinks virtual reality is the digital LSD of the future
Digital LSD
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