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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Fighter Jets Were Scrambled On Valentines Day Over Hawaii - Orb Involved?

 I ran across this story, released yesterday by American Military News - about F-22's scrambled for an Orb identification. Official explanation was an unmarked balloon....or bs....barfstew. Either's a quick read. This version of the story (unlike the one from the military) says the "balloon" was NOT shot down by the military. Hmm. This Non Military Version Also Has A Video - the story was covered by a few other news outlets too. A few.


Like earlier this month - today's Barfstew will be a hodgepodge.

Here's that link to one of Barfstew's two hidden pages - lots of cool stuff.

A U.S. senator has suggested that the Federal Reserve should be buying Bitcoin..... common sense in the government? 

BTW, if you use the Coinbase link at the top of this page - buy 100 dollars of Bitcoin - you and I get 10.00 in Bitcoin free. Seriously.


Some say we are living not in the Dark Ages but dark times - what say you?


 Could EMP Dark Times Be Coming.
Bet you save the link above.
The Sexy Pictures Tag will probably keep you busy for quite awhile I bet.
Don't Leave Now - Check Out The Sidebar

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

2022 - The Year Of The Robot? Musk Implies Yes.

 And when Musk determines to change the world.... as he has on multiple occasions.... things happen - as you can read in this CNBC article

Today's Barfstew will be a hodgepodge. 


I've experienced the "paranormal" how about you.... no... i mean Real Paranormal.... like "missing time".... don't believe it? Think it's all Barfstew? Read or Report "Missing Time" experiences here . Lots of paranormal in the Barfstew archive... search the tags.


Obscure 60's garage rock? Sure. And, have I got a website for you to check out too. You can watch this at YouTube if you wish.

If you like Reddit links - perhaps you should visit the archive of 

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