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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

An Interdimensional Portal? Or, Something Else?

 Have you ever had anything absolutely impossible happen to you? How about the impossible happening also with another person/witness? How about seeking out the impossible and finding it? Yep.... an absolutely incredible 6 part series - I link to part five here. Seems John and Adam (find last names in link) beckoned the anomalous in a known remote location for possible "Bigfoots" and got something a bit different than what was expected - were their lives in danger? 

And how could a simple flashlight - instantly extinguish - a "portal" - or... could it all be something else....such as sharing a separate reality in temporal form - much like the "shared hypnosis landscapes" of mutual hypnosis techniques done in the late 1960's by Charles Tart.

Enjoy the series and the fantastic writing. 


Speaking of great writing - Regan Lee - also a writer at the blog The C Influence - wrote this experience of being hypnotized for the first time just a couple weeks ago in 2022 - she also gives her overview and insights of it (she was seeking info on a missing time experience - something I have also experienced) - Missing Time Hypnosis. Enjoy. 


Have you seen page two of Barfstew? We call it BS Bookcovers.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Will Nickels And Pennies Vanish Soon?

 You can find the exact melt values here but as of this morning Sunday March 27th before noon - any nickel you get in change is worth 8.5 cents and any penny has now reached a full cent in value. (Pennies before 1982 have now reached 3.1 cents in melt value.) Dimes and quarters have only a fraction of their face value represented by their melt value. 

Yes, you can buy pennies and nickels for dimes and quarters. 

Imagine, being given in change, a piece of metal worth more than the face value of the metal. Like before they got rid of gold, then silver in coinage. .... and if now they changed the metal .... wouldn't people start to hoard them? And then .... will nickels and pennies vanish soon?

"That's the 2020's for you."


I guess that means a Barfstew predicted return of Piggy Banks by our MSM? Count on it... and you read it here first.

Click picture below to be taken to Amazon for this product. Yes it counts your change too. An inexpensive investment.

Barfstew may earn a commision on sales via Amazon affiliate links.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Fighter Jets Were Scrambled On Valentines Day Over Hawaii - Orb Involved?

 I ran across this story, released yesterday by American Military News - about F-22's scrambled for an Orb identification. Official explanation was an unmarked balloon....or bs....barfstew. Either's a quick read. This version of the story (unlike the one from the military) says the "balloon" was NOT shot down by the military. Hmm. This Non Military Version Also Has A Video - the story was covered by a few other news outlets too. A few.


Like earlier this month - today's Barfstew will be a hodgepodge.

Here's that link to one of Barfstew's two hidden pages - lots of cool stuff.

A U.S. senator has suggested that the Federal Reserve should be buying Bitcoin..... common sense in the government? 

BTW, if you use the Coinbase link at the top of this page - buy 100 dollars of Bitcoin - you and I get 10.00 in Bitcoin free. Seriously.


Some say we are living not in the Dark Ages but dark times - what say you?


 Could EMP Dark Times Be Coming.
Bet you save the link above.
The Sexy Pictures Tag will probably keep you busy for quite awhile I bet.
Don't Leave Now - Check Out The Sidebar

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

2022 - The Year Of The Robot? Musk Implies Yes.

 And when Musk determines to change the world.... as he has on multiple occasions.... things happen - as you can read in this CNBC article

Today's Barfstew will be a hodgepodge. 


I've experienced the "paranormal" how about you.... no... i mean Real Paranormal.... like "missing time".... don't believe it? Think it's all Barfstew? Read or Report "Missing Time" experiences here . Lots of paranormal in the Barfstew archive... search the tags.


Obscure 60's garage rock? Sure. And, have I got a website for you to check out too. You can watch this at YouTube if you wish.

If you like Reddit links - perhaps you should visit the archive of 

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Tuesday, January 4, 2022

UFOs Over Marion Ohio? Or, Barfstew!

 So, someone submits what initially appears to be an unusual "UFO" video.... and appears to have the "UFO" even coming closer to the recorder "who is repeating OMG over and over" - to have the video abruptly end...for no reason...with no information from the submitter to MUFON - then picked up and used on a UFO website. (I've bookmarked and will see if anything is worthy of not being called BS - Barfstew). Ok, here we go:

UFOs Over Marion Ohio Video

It really is a barfy video..... what in the heck was the lit up "mothercraft"? (or the shape of a modern saucer I assume - or was that a street lamp?)..... hit the link above the video to read the many comments... few skeptical. Video was submitted last month.
This is literally today's opinion piece from The Washington Post about - written January 3rd about learning and paying attention to the changes in the variations and politics involved....funny that they never mention vaccination rates by race. Wonder why?
Remember when the World Health Organization held the view that boosters could PROLONG the pandemic? Ancient news? No... about two weeks ago. The information battle continues. 
Barfstew assumes that the men who watch football have noticed the NEAR TOTAL ABSENCE OF CHEERLEADERS ON THE SIDELINES. Has someone directed the directors to NOT show them?..... to what end? for whom? (not the exploited, gasp, "cheerleaders") - the politically correct de-sexual-ization of women? Well, Barfstew - continues to enjoy the beauty of Playboy type of pictures...heck of cheerleaders even.... enjoy the beauty to be found online in 2022.
More Barfstew Soon - Enjoy The Archive
The Laughable Government Censorship of 2006 and 2008