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Monday, December 7, 2009

The Birth Of Barf Stew

Why Barf Stew? Because `Going Postal In A Fed Ex World' was too long. And, anyway, the way I see this blogs positioning is to be like a daily overflow from some of my other online offerings. Now, an overflow from some of my other online offerings can only mean one thing - lots of UFO's, esoteric thought, and political crappola - much like my main Squidoo webpage (without the preponderance of personal links to my blogs - this space will have less of that). But, unlike my Squidoo page that is only G rated, here, I won't worry so much about the sensors. All that said, I don't want to lay down any rules about what kind of links I will be providing --- but --- I hope you will enjoy the mix and interact with them.

Finally, if you have an interest in my other blogs - they are in the blogroll along with a few other great sites that have supported my other blogs original material (my posts) on a frequent basis. I will also try to support Blogspot blogs with material I think my readers will like in a separate blogroll - so - if you have a blogspot blog that you think I should have in that area let me know. And, lastly, if you have some sort of `paraNormal' story that you'd like to share with the world - feel free to put it in the comments for the day or send it to me via and it could appear as a givens day main and featured posting.

Barf Stew Links - 12/7/2009

Denver's Proposed Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission - You can't make this stuff up.

Modern hipsters sat here - Chautauqua: 1890s Are you familar with the Shorpy website? Real time travel.

Breeding and the Beast - "the 800-pound gorilla lurking in our midst" One of the real thrills of blogging is when another site talks about your posts - literally on the air - even if it is a podcast. Here is a real cool podcast that from about the 35 minute mark to the 40 minute mark talked about this post I did a few weeks ago. You will like this podcast.

Much more to come - return and bookmark.

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