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Monday, December 28, 2009

FAA Makes Curious `UFO Call Statement' - As UK Shuts Down Same

Hello, welcome to Barf Stew @ Blogspot - I appreciate your visit today. As many of you may know, I run several blogs including one about UFO Disclosure since late 2007. And, recently, again as you may know, I ran a post about how the UK has shut down the office that used to collect UFO reports from the public for investigation - here's that link - The reason given by the UK was that in 50 years of investigating the reports - there never has been a security issue in regards to UFO's - and - it will save money in these tough economic times - indeed, enough to even afford (now that the UFO office is shut) body armor for the UK troops in the middle east. ----------------------------------- OKKKKKAAAAAY.

THEN, about a week later - the FAA - out of the blue -- decides to issue a statement about where airline pilots and air traffic controllers should report UFO's - this was the supposed statement:

"Persons wanting to report UFO/unexplained phenomena activity should contact a UFO/ unex­ plained phenomena reporting data collection center, such as Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) (voice: 1-877-979-7444 or e-mail:"

Now, being the type of person I am ------- suspicious ---------- this seemed odd; weird, strange, ----- almost Fortean. Why would the FAA, after ALL these decades, suddenly, have an interest in UFO reports and WHY would suddenly - there be a `specific' group to call? WHY? And who is BAASS?

But, upon reading the story - I immediately was familiar with the Bigelow name - having read `In Search Of The Skinwalker' years ago. I also knew about NIDS (National Institute For Discovery Science, I believe) a `study group' that was funded by Bigelow in the past (perhaps still) to study anomalous events - I even ordered one of their `reports' once. And, by following the links within this story - you can find out much more about Mr. Bigelow. Also, if you have read `Skinwalker' you are aware that Mr. Bigelow's study of the ranch basically `confirmed' the existence of `dimensional portals with dimensional entities/creatures'.

Now, believe it or not - this is where all of this begins to get interesting to a UFO blogger like myself. The reason being -- Mr. Bigelow recently became the moneyman behind a new MUFON endeavor called `Star Team' - a supposed 24/7 group of folks ready to investigate UFO reports of an anomalous nature. Here's the lowdown on `Star Team'

Are you still with me?

Now, all that sounds like GREAT news - right? I mean, what could be better than some money FINALLY being available to study UFO reportees - by an independent agency such as MUFON?----------------- Right? ----------- Well, not so fast, perhaps.

You see, some bloggers have been on MUFON's case in the recent past and even before - always ignored up to now. Indeed, Joe Capp at UFO Media Matters recently outlined MUFON's horrible `Star Team' response of an amazing UFO encounter that ultimately involved, after the fact, MIB (men in black) and the typical unmarked helicopters. Here's that post - --- and, earlier this fall, Joe Capp also called for MUFON to release a study they supposedly did with folks who claim bedroom alien abductions using video cameras and such - wondering -- where are the study results?

But, even before Joe's post about MUFON's 600 pound gorilla, Lon Strickler had printed
this criticism of MUFON from the internet forum called Above Top Secret - called `MUFON, Who Are They Really' - then Lon on Christmas eve posted `Press Release Proves MUFON And Feds Connected' And, as a result of those posts -- MUFON directly answered back to Lon with this response defending the organization

Now, reading between the lines about Mr. Capp's assertions about MUFON and Lon's readers experiences (Joe's readers too) -- it doesn't take too much of an imagination to believe that UFO reports are now being `funnelled' - into organizations that may be less than forthcoming with the results - (In the links above you can see how some MUFON reports `vanish'.) - while providing the `cover' of real investigative interest.

Now, as Lon says - I don't want to get into a pissing match with MUFON or BAASS either - and I've already detailed on my blogs Real Heavy Politics and UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock - how the government seems interested in my viewpoints* - so, lord - I'd hardly wish to cause their feathers to ruffle further - BUT, it seems mighty strange for the FAA to give one damn about who those reports should go to by the MOST BELIEVABLE AUTHORITIES - PILOTS AND AIR CONTROL --- and then - for THAT company to have ANY link to MUFON - doubles that strangeness.

Or, could this be a way for Mr. Bigelow - to be positioned by our government - as the ultimate spokesperson for `Anomalous Disclosure' to the world?

Or, is this all Barf Stew? I welcome your comments.

*Real Heavy Politics has been visited by the Presidents office (Nov20th). UDCC has it's MOST visitors in the world from Alexandria Virgina. My personal views on where the politics of UFO Disclosure stand can be found at

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  1. A raw nerve has been rubbed....there is something behind Bigelow's involvement and I think Rick has exposed a bit more...

  2. Nicely named blog. Suits the whole subject well.

  3. It's all just barf stew. It's the FAA's way of dismissing the phenomena by requesting all reports be made to quack teams.

  4. Thanks for the post. It goes much deeper than you've caught on to in this and other posts. 2010, amongst other things, will likely be remembered as the "year of transparency" and you will likely find out many of the things you have suspected and much more are true indeed. It will be "heavy stuff" but will be accompanied by insight and greater perspective, making it ho hum within a year or two. What fun!

  5. First, I thank you all for the first comments on my new blog.

    Lon, I just read your link to the story of Mr. Bigelow buying MUFON reports in the past for 100 bucks each - years ago. Very interesting find. Now, that said, I'm really thinking that it is possible - as one possibility among others - is indeed that it could be an attempt by the government to have someone other than the Exo-politics folks being the `experts' should ` soft ufo disclosure' come into being.

    NYCJeff - thanks - edgy without being vulgar.

    Boy in the machine - thanks - you could be right -- at this point I'd say it's 50/50.

    Rossome - First, thanks for your comment. I agree with part of it -- I've blogged in the past (I have several blogs that you can find in the blogroll on the sidebar) that `Disclosure' could indeed be pulled off without `too much' disruption to the world powers structures. That said, it would be a risk to do a hard disclosure that included alien confirmation or collaboration - a risk the power structure IMO is not willing to take.
    Now, as regards to `insight and a greater perspective' -- we will see - and personally, even with ALL the muck and incredible `insider' accounts now out there - I'd be willing to bet againist government transparency at any opportunity.

    best to all,


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