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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Rant 303

From time to time, I'm going to share various E-mails that I've gotten over the years that might fit the idea of Barf Stew. This e-mail is from a buddy of mine J.S. Flower - also known as Strouther Wiggins. Now, when J.S. begins to rant, which is rare, it usually is about the failings of the governmental level to address peoples concerns.

As you will read in this upcoming post Mr. Wiggins didn't respond too well well a friend of his sent him photos of the Queen of England posing with every President since Truman. Anyway, here's Flowers response.

Shakes One up a bit, doesn't it!

Lori, sent these Photo's and this was my response:
Yo Sister,
What shakes me up is the total historical context
Not that she has aged...
The under belly of "manifest destiny"
In that manifestation we see the total disregard for a comprehensive relationship...
Upon entry into the "new world" rivers were not looked at as the source of life, but rather ways to transport goods and services to remote regions and set up forts. They were a great place too dump whatever and this dumping continues to this day or rather flushing: turds, piss, and now endocrine inhibitors from the morning after pill of an 11 year old who is having her period...or all the over medicated bloated mass of a dem-rep americana invasive species who truly believes that everything is here for us to use because some deity GOD in the sky said so...and don't get down on what I want "to flush away"[there is no away] Mr. Highorse rider who just did his own hypocritical poop... kinda like:"Where does all that window washer fluid go after it gives you a "clear windshield"??? Why would I want to think where it goes as long as I can see the car in front of me??? I've got an important meeting to attend...the rat race has turned into a runaway burn it up humanoid marathonical demise
Hi? Monday Morning Rantology 303\Seeing these Images of the "Queen" and our euro-way sickens the systems of non-monetary support patterns...and on and on and on...
Its amazing looking at that old bag and the baggage she represents could stimulate such vitriol
Whole lot of shakin goin on...
Riding a Hopewellian edge
On future responses I will refrain from this type of rantage, because I know is serves no real purpose of merit...
Sphereical cube mentality a force to reckon with, "they" used to call them hip to what I'm saying?

I hope to see you back here tomorrow. Tell a friend about Barf Stew.

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