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Monday, January 11, 2010

Explain This to IRS: Tax Agency Is $32 Billion Short

Please - Don't step in the Barf Stew on this one. To quote the article:

"The Internal Revenue Service suddenly reduced the amount of revenue it reported from delinquent collections by $32 billion, or about 27 percent, providing little information about what happened to the money,"

Yep, things are so over the top in our bloated government that they suddenly lose 27% of what they are seeking. Beyond F-ing belief -

A BRITISH woman on a break in Dubai went to police after being raped - but SHE was arrested for having illegal sex. -- Those oh so silly Arabs and their funny religion - so glad we depend on them for our energy. Total BARF.

Found my UFO blog linked on this site - Barfable.

Possible Sasquatch on video -- This is worth the click as it has an imbeded YouTube video only 27 seconds long - but is very interesting. Barf or Stew -- you decide.

Barf Stew Bigfoot Footage?

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