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Friday, January 8, 2010

FAA-Bigelow UFO Connection In December Was NOT NEW

As you might remember, last Monday - 10 days ago - I barfed up a big stink about how the FAA had made BAASS the `go-to' company for pilot and air controller reports of UFO's or anomalous phenomena - this was the link for that I also made a stew about wondering WHY after all these decades that `suddenly' the FAA was making such a designation of where the reports should be filed to be investigated (assuming they were to be investigated). And, indeed, the final curious point I thought was that Mr. Bigelow was suddenly (last year) a new moneyman behind MUFON.

Finally, I made the point that when Mr. Bigelow was the money behind NIDS - another group he funded to study the anomalous - that other than the groundbreaking `Hunt For The Skinwalker' connection -- that NIDS itself - never seemed to `find the smoking gun' on anything they ultimately studied. Not a debunking group as much as a not a confirmation group.

Well; forget almost all of that. Seems it was nothing new after all. And, here is the interesting way I found this information out.

As you may know, when one blogs on UFO's, and other esoteric stuff - and when one then checks the `stat pages' on such sites -- I find `interesting' sites that link to my content. So, just a day or two ago I see. in my statistics. Being curious, I checked the link to find my first UFO post of the year on Disclosure Clock on this website - and - interestingly, I was being ripped apart as being grouped with bloggers/others who promote UFO Disclosure.

Now, while it is always nice to have folks moved enough by ones posts to link to them or comment on them - and part of being a blogger, who comments like me, is being able to take it when someone disagrees or offers another viewpoint - I was surprised to be linked-bunched with the `exopolitics' folks - as I regularly poke fun at them (at best) or ridicule their ideas. (Well, 95% of their wo0-wwo ideas.)
So, I wanted to point that out to the editor of Page News . Info. - and sent this e-mail:

Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2010 13:26:08 -0500Subject: Contact from the PAG E-News websiteTo:

Thanks for making my post on Ufo Disclosure Countdown Clock as your number one link today - just saw the first hit in my stats. That said, you may not be familiar with the fact that I DISS the very people you have below me in linkage on a REGULAR basis. I suggest you read a little deeper in my blog as I didn't and never predict when disclosure will come -- indeed, I give a number of reasons it won't on a variety of posts not only on UDCC but my other blogs Barf Stew and The Heavy Stuff.

best to you,
Rick Phillips

To which I quickly received this answer:

"Rick, My rant was aimed at Webre, Wilcock, Bassett and their ilk - and not you. I apologize for the linkage but your commentary was well written and brought attention to the obvious fact that disclosure still hasn't occurred. On another note I believe that the FAA began several years ago to refer callers to Bigelow's earlier organization - the National Institute of Discoverey Science (NIDS) - so its latest statement is just a continuation of past policy."

To which I replied that I'd love to see the link to such information - and less than a day later - UfoLawyer sent me this PROOF that the FAA move in its operations manual is NOT new - see this June 25, 2001 link - titled `NIDS Becomes Sole RecieverOf FAA UFO Reports - Controversy Ensues' -

Indeed, check out this except:

"The FAA wording of the order mandating the changes is as follows: "In calendar year 1999, representatives from the National Institute for Discovery Sciences (NIDS) contacted the FAA Administrator to offer their research institution as the single point of contact recognized by the FAA in regard to UFO information. On April 14, 2000, after being referred by the FAA Administrator, NIDS representatives met with ATP-200 to finalize a course of action. This document change proposal is a result of that meeting and is official FAA recognition that NIDS is the single point of contact for UFO research."

Now, you really need to read the comments on the above Rense link because in essence they raised the same point I did 10 days ago -- it might be like having the Fox watching the chickens. Or not; for I make no claims about this whole affair/mess; but, now, the public at least knows it is SOP (standard operating procedure for those under 40) for the FAA to report to Bigelow these types of reports.

SO........... what does this tell us - the public. Well, for one, it means that the MSM has ignored NIDS and Bigelow's connection to UFO's now for about a decade. EVEN while the O'hare UFO incident of 2006 was allowed to gather interest here and worldwide. Indeed, the MSM allowed the FAA to eventually - after investigation - to basically declare that NO UFO was present on that November day regardless of the sightings by airport personnel - INSTEAD of going to NIDS for an opinion or an investigation. Same for the Stephenville UFO incident of 2008 and the ongoing incidents in the same area. Indeed, in the Stephenville incident - a report eventually placed objects in the sky going over 700 miles per hour with no transponders (if I remember correctly) -- and, once again, we had no media mention of NIDS or Mr. Bigelow (I think NIDS was basically defunct by the time of these incidents come to think of it.)

So, once again, in summary ---- the FAA will continue to direct pilots and traffic control to direct reports of UFO's and anomalous phenomena to an institution/individual - who in a decade has never commented on an official investigation of that data - and has never been pressed by the media talking heads for even a reasoned opinion as to what is going on - even when reports involve restricted air space and possible security issues.

Something stinks with all of this - seems it is just a kettle of UFO, NIDS,FAA,BAASS Alphabet Barf Stew.
What do you think?
Comments welcome.

tip of the hat to UFOLawyer - thanks. Please go to my front page so you can see the last 7 posts - thanks for your visit today.

1 comment:

  1. good topic and i think people need to realize that Bigelow is heavily involved with the Military Industrial Complex, therefore he and his organizations cannot be trusted.

    if private companies that are connected to the goverment are in control of the information then true disclosure will never happen.


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