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Friday, January 22, 2010

Man Poses as Former Guess Model, Scams Thousands From Wealthy Men via Online Dating Site

And all with a high-pitched voice and someone Else's picture - classic Barf Stew with garlic -

Dumb Luck Stock Index Clobbers Top Wall Street Fund Managers - And from this article - "I was inspired to create the SRSI by Lusha, a chimpanzee in Russia. According to an article in the U.K. Daily Mail, Lusha's stock picks outperformed 94% of the country's investment funds. Her portfolio increased in value by 300%, leading to this insightful observation by the head of monetary policy at the Institute for the Economy in Transition in Moscow: "It shows that financial knowledge does not play a great role in giving forecasts to how the market will change." - Are you enjoying the Barf Stew?

Some of my Blog posts ended up here - Stew worthy.

A Shorpy for you called `Dead End - 1905' - Find out why --- Cool Stew.

It was no joke at security gate - Just to ask; would you find it FUNNY that a TSA employee would put a bag of white powder in your carry on luggage? Didn't think so - what a F'ing dick - Total Barf.

So, let's say you want to find out info on UFO's from the NSA - and file a FOIA request -- and then you see this list of terms under which UFO stuff has been asked for in the past -- only to find NONE of the terms listed produced ANYTHING -- CLASSIC ----- you must see this Barf filled list of denial -

Industrial Society and Its Future - Remember the Unibomber? Remember that he wrote a manifesto that was printed by the media? Well, here it is - - many stewable points. Dare you read it?

Overpopulation Means Declining Representation - Stewable material.

Sell Used Books - Ship Your Books For Free And Get Fast Cash Back! This is NOT a scam. This company even suggests that you can make a living finding books for them. They have a great story - a newish company built by a young couple.

Finally, for your fun link today - a YouTube video titled - " Street Beauties in NYC Meat Packing District - Summer Fashion" - Men, don't miss this.

Lastly, I have 200 strange links like this on my Squidoo site at . Thanks for your visit today.

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