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Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Todd Sees Case: Alien Abduction, Murder and Coverup

How's that for an intriguing title? Wait till you read the long detailed story - Very Stewable.

Found my FULL post (hmm) about the UFO/Mr. Bigelow story here

Why I believe that full UFO "Disclosure" is almost impossible for the U.S. or other governments - Here's a thought out piece very very similar to the position on UFO disclosure I have taken before. Interestingly, this guy was once `Former director of the Civilian Intelligence Network, a loosely-knit citizens' watchdog group on government accountability and network of researchers, investigators and intelligence gatherers whose primary focus was on the government's so-called Black Budget Programs at locations such as the operating base at Groom Lake, Nevada (Area 51).' - Stewable. Crop circles --- and NOW as you will see in these pictures `snow circles' - interesting - Stewable Barf.

An Irvine cop ejaculates on a motorist but escapes criminal liability - Truly insane Barf Stew you can't make up. (Adult in nature)

Fox spent weeks promoting apparent tea party scam - Barf or Stew - you decide.

The Swimming Submarine
"The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim." - Edsger Dijkstra - A blogs first and only post - and worth reading.

And, how about a FUN clip to end all this Barf mess today - one titled - "Bonobo chimp plays Pac-Man" - Enjoy.

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