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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

13.454/Presidents Day on the 46th day of 10 - Rant 307

So, I sent my buddy my link that I featured here yesterday - the 20 page slide presentation of the countries who are the biggest debtor nations - If you haven't seen it you should. Anyway, often my links can cause an outpouring of verbage from J.S. Flower of incredible proportions - and I present - Rant 307

(J.S. is currently counting the days of 2010 - ie:`10' and yesterday was the 46th day of 10.)

Yo R.,
Thank you for passing along the cnbc link
I feel so much better knowing we are 20th on the list...whew...
Of course seeing the numbers 13.454 and 94.3% ratio
a progressive scintillating sinuosity of zero collecting/but alas losing...
An ode to this day:
All Presidents [we honor today]
rang up debt
from Washington to Lincoln
to Reagan in 1980 when we hit 1 Trillion!!!
The gig was up right then!
Been saying it since then...
It is not feasibly possible
to dig out from this number, let alone 13 trill
So what is the responsible thing to do? We find during Poppy Bush and Billy Boys regimes [or as they are commonly referred to as their (years in office, in service to our country as commander-in-chiefs...] make more debt?!
Its 20 years later and in 2000 the gimmickry grows to a robust 6 trill when W. takes over the helm via the then sitting court of Supremeness and their most high decision... His regime goes Full Tilt and 8 years of debauchery later we hit 12 trill now the latest figure this 13.454...and climbing...for our fearless ... Barry O
Well thanks to this historical process from Indians to Afghans
we the people
looking deep into the mirror
are wondering
who dat
tomorrow Fat
Tuesday there on the 47th day of 10...bourbon street float-ability
but today be a holiday
honoring our leaders of war mongering debt
to protect us from our enemies
who want to destroy us
but we only want to invade them
and have a little bit of collateral damage
attempting to root out tribal behavior
with the real quest of thirst
for some processed liquid beverage
that feeds all of our hungry machines of destiny
which continues to fuel this insatiable culture
The governmeat
Fitting typo
For this inscrutable bloated
elected mass of lawyersque swindlers
Hail to the Chief
Roll on big O
nation of our
tea-bag hypocrites
swilling on post daytona
presidential blues
olympic eye candy glue
masses throng info highway
while burning
yesterdays $6.00 NYTimes sunday edition
Greeky news ruffles market
on this day off
Chowder brains mash the contents
drolling for more zeros...
Do I hear a Millard, Chester or Calvin?
I'll raise you with a Zachary, Rutherford and Woodrow...

Thanks for visiting again today - tell someone about Barf Stew. Thanks.

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