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Monday, February 1, 2010

Airports Could Get Mind-Reading Scanners

Can the day be far off for `thought crimes' ? Interesting science read about the technology that is already available - even if they tell you that searching 80 year olds in wheel chairs is a good idea. Lots of Barf Stew here I think.

OOPA - Out Of Place Animals - this time - an Alligator found in Kansas - Taste Barf Stew.

Meteorite strikes doctor's office in small town - Happened last Monday in USA. Find out how large it was.

How Obama's $33 Billion Hiring Tax Credit Would Work - Much like how sausage is made - you don't want to know. Anyway, here's the lowdown of the pure crap our politicians think up on their spare time to spend other folks money. Nearly, 100% Barf. Only a touch of Stew in this one.

The proposed Australian Government clampdown on smut just got a whole lot broader, as news emerged of a ban on small breasts and female ejaculation in adult material - I can't make this stuff up - yes - Australian officials are clamping down on porn that features women with small breasts -- bloated government spreads its tentacles.

And, for today's fun link - ROCK and ROLL Birds - No, Really! Make sure to hang all the way thru this less than 2 minute concert - and yes, wait till you see the guitar pick that the one bird uses. Amazing.

Speaking of Rock And Roll - Check this out for rare records - or - sell your own -

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