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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Corporation Says It Will Run for Congress

Now, here's a Stewable idea IMO - even if this is being proposed as a farce or a way to change the SC ruling -- a `liberal' public relations firm going to run againist a republican (of course) -- - As is often said, you never know where the content you put onto the media will end up -- here, on this site my UFO blog is featured most recently. And, how can you not look around a site that calls itself - Unknown Truth? ------- Barf Stew.

Bring Our Marines Home - Seems this little talked about issue - the occupation of Japan to some - has surfaced again - oh, don't worry - Pat Buchanan brought it up - so, it WILL be ignored by the mainsteam media. Stewable.

Has your kid (or you) got some textbooks lying around that are less than 5 years old? --- Then make sure to hit this - Textbook Buy Back at I've not posted the Thunderbolts here at Barf Stew - Until today. This piece, written last month, is called Faster Than Light, Part 1 - and it generally explains the set-up for the group of scientists that believe in a different `electric' theory of the universe. If this is new to you - you will thank me for opening your eyes to a new possibility for looking at the reality we see.

Faster than Light - Part 2 -> These are their ideas -- Stewable. On my blogroll for a good reason - go show Lon Barf Stew readers are the best. Stewable, always.

And, how about something a bit lighter to end today's Barf Stew (BS) - titled - "Goose Attacks Pro Kayak Angler Drew Gregory" - the action begins at 1:05. Thanks for looking down here too - for my male audience - btw - I put this on my other daily site with links on Squidoo yesterday - don't miss the action there either - . You can also find this link on my sidebar -->

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