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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Part or Apart - Feb 1st, 2006 - J.S.Flower Rant 308

Yo Ricardo,

Glad you enjoyed the package!
Chose not to listen to the Fate of the Stunion blather...
Intersting about the Sun being ONE
The ancients had it right, no sun no us...
Awoke with the thought of being a part of Earth
yet the choice to be apart from Earth seems to rule our understanding
the later being as you would say ludicrous...
When we think of the solar system its usually as being in "outer" space
This notion is absurd

We are "IN" the solar system
so therefore it really is "inner" space!
The Sun being the source and center of our "inner" space!
What a shift if we were able to conceptualize this...
Rather than thinking it is "out" there, see it as being "in" there...

Of course our twisted little pea brains still think
everything is here for us to use aka... natural resources
or: "What time is it?"
bambozzled by 36 billion: the snake oil salesman came to town
he's now set up on every corner(literally)
you have to buy from him
age old supply and demand
now is supplying the man!

Enough already, shake our heads get in the car and forget about it 7
seconds later...



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