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Friday, February 26, 2010

A Tale of Two Babies by Sarah Palin.

The only post I've ever read by this blogger was this one - all I know is what you see here. That said, if this story is true - Sarah Palin is done as a politician in only a manner that John Edwards can appreciate. Has some photographic evidence come forward to suggest the unthinkable about Trig? Barf Stew at its best.

Key Letter by Descartes, Lost for 170 Years, Turns Up at Haverford - Holy Cow. Stewable stuff enters the world again. -- Today's Shorpy - A rugged Pike's Peaker Man of 1900 and his cabin. Time Travel today. This site linked to my latest UDCC post yesterday. Lots of Barf Stew on this list too.

Family questions SWAT drug search that led to dog’s death - - Often I'd have a link like this on my other blog called Real Heavy Politics. Talk about total BARF.

MUIRHEAD`S MYSTERIES: A LIVING DINOSAUR FROM IDAHO 1909? -  A fun Barfy story. Lon has this on his site today. Interesting picture of something. Stewable. Sexy female. Stewable. Remember, Barf Stew is an up and out mixture of steamy links.

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Finally, a YouTube with over 2 million views - about an amazing Mayor of Canada's sixth largest city - it's a TV report that you will thank Barf Stew for bringing to your attention.

Thanks for your visit today - go to my Squidoo site for more like this - - thanks.

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