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Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Biggest Crop Circle Ever

Extremely cool picture of this 60 acre image made in one day by sixty cropcircle makers - Very Stewable.

Facts about the craziest country in the world - - Barf Stew.

Gold Money: Power to the People - Want to read the biggest crappola about the US Government is quite a while? Something that is so over the top as to disgust you and make you send this link to others? Bloated Government defined. Total Barf.

Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 10 - Lon Stricklers series continues with more stories that go bump in the night - including Mermaids and more. Barf Stew on the menu.

Myth of Strange Matter And Black Hole at LHC - Myth? Some would say - not so fast. Stewable read for sure.

Women refuse to go through airport body scanners - Two women take a stand and leave the airport rather than submit. BS.

WTF is up with Congress? Another blogger asks the obvious - as he says - "Is it just me, am I the only person in America that is wondering why NOTHING is being done about the biggest financial fiasco since the 1930s." - Here's some stew for you. - OF ROSWELL & ROCKETS: THE SECRET V-2 FLYING SAUCER FILM by Anthony Bragalia - To me, Bragalia is doing the legwork for millions - here - he digs up more stuff about UFO's and Roswell. A must read for Roswell buffs. Stewable.

Finally, let's end with "Ghost Adventures - Execution Rocks"

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