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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Canadians Also Win Gold For Synchronized Peeing

You've seen these graphs before - the surge in water use at commericals and other types of breaks; this graph tells the same tale too - see what sport formed it - - Barf Stew Link.

And from the you can't make this stuff up category - Moviegoer Stabbed With Meat Thermometer After Complaining About Cell Phone -,0,6105625.story Barf Stew (BS) link.

And, from Cleveland - a solution as to do with the empty malls of The Great Recession - Go Green - Real Green - "Galleria mall is giant greenhouse, raising organic crops in Cleveland" -

Here's some pure Barf - Same Crap, Different County: Another Small Texas Town Overpunishes Another Piddly Drug Offender -

And, hot, off the presses - Woman: Garn lying about 'no contact' in hot tub when she was 15 - -- Please, leave this out of the stew.

In what ways are psychoactive drugs useful for dealing with alcoholism and other addictions, terminal cancer, and what we now call post traumatic stress disorder - Finally, some Stew for you.

How did the big banks nearly take down the entire economy and still continue to profit? Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz explains. - Careful, Barf chunks.

And, finally, we end the BS today with two great stories of abduction and aliens found by Lon - "Puerto Rico: UFO Encounters / Alien Abductions" -

Abduction Questions?

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