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Monday, March 29, 2010

Gravity Emerges from Quantum Information, Say Physicists

How about a top of the line physics read that will leave your head spinning? Are they finally  going to figure it all out? Is it all really falling into place? A few highlights from the article:

One of the hottest new ideas in physics is that gravity is an emergent phenomena; that it somehow arises from the complex interaction of simpler things.

A few month's ago, Erik Verlinde at the the University of Amsterdam put forward one such idea which has taken the world of physics by storm. Verlinde suggested that gravity is merely a manifestation of entropy in the Universe. His idea is based on the second law of thermodynamics, that entropy always increases over time. It suggests that differences in entropy between parts of the Universe generates a force that redistributes matter in a way that maximises entropy. This is the force we call gravity.....Today, this idea gets a useful boost from Jae-Weon Lee at Jungwon University in South Korea and a couple of buddies. They use the idea of quantum information to derive a theory of gravity and they do it taking a slightly different tack to Verlinde.

At the heart of their idea is the tricky question of what happens to information when it enters a black hole. Physicists have puzzled over this for decades with little consensus. But one thing they agree on is Landauer's principle: that erasing a bit of quantum information always increases the entropy of the Universe by a certain small amount and requires a specific amount of energy.
Jae-Weon and co assume that this erasure process must occur at the black hole horizon. And if so, spacetime must organise itself in a way that maximises entropy at these horizons. In other words, it generates a gravity-like force. That's intriguing for several reasons. First, Jae-Weon and co assume the existence of spacetime and its geometry and simply ask what form it must take if information is being erased at horizons in this way. It also relates gravity to quantum information for the first time....

 Much more to these cool ideas here -  Super Stewworthy.

My UFO blog ended up here - on this listing site - not too long ago - - Barfy Stewy site.

With all the ails of the F'ing system itself -- here we have a group of folks that think - evidently - that taking on Ronald McDonald - to save our kids - is next in line for improvement to our system - Group: Time for Ronald McDonald to retire -,0,7799183.story Messy Barflike sloppy joe consistancy stuff right here for sure.  And, if you like restaurant links - or you know someone who owns a restaurant and you might want to turn them onto a cool site - try this one

You ask - how long is a UFO? -- And, The Professor answers - -- Stew over this.

Here's another cool website ->Sell Books Online at

And, the YouTube below - Pretty sure it is Barf Stew. You decide.

I have much more entertainment for you at my new archive of prefered links on Squidoo - many of which appeared here first -- or perhaps I can suggest a book recently purchased by another reader - The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception: The Living Tapestry of Lujan Matus -- thanks for visiting today.

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