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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Woolly Mammoths Resurfacing In Siberia

Hello, welcome to today's serving of Barf Stew. As you can see by today's headline - I once again have succumbed to the desire to bring tales of `Woolly Mammoths' to your screen. In this cool article you will find that not only are the huge bodies possibly being eaten - but that villages are being sustained by the trade of their tusks. The link is also gives the chance to use the word `permafrost' - Stewable -,0,2703266.story
Firearms Freedom Act passes; governor to sign it - "it states that any state or federal official who tries to enforce any federal gun law on a firearms made and sold in Wyoming could face a $2,000 fine and up to a year in prison.  .... Jaggi, who authored the legislation. “I’m hoping that nothing really happens except that other states see, ‘Hey they did it — let’s do it. Let’s assert our state rights.’ Tasty & Chewable,  Stew here.

Awful Library Books - Really really awful library books - Totally Barfable and enjoyable at the same time. Warning - you might end up bookmarking this site - or - wasting the next hour there. A BS (barf stew) FIND. Sexy pictures are part (occasionally) of our steamy mix for our male readers. Here's an over the top one.

Police: 10-Year-Old Girl Poisons Fourth Grade Teacher - Barf Stew on steroids. - Witness Recalls Light Beam Encounters - Stew mixed with High Strangeness.

Finally, want to see the coolest pool table ever?

Thanks for stopping by for your daily stew - want more? - I do this also on Squidoo almost daily - just like here -- - hope to see you tomorrow too.

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