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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dreams and the Art of Memory: A New Hypothesis About Dream Bizarreness

Every once in a bit of time one runs across an honest intellectual effort - and here's one for sure. A great Stewable post with lots to chew on and over. Your mind will be stimulated.

This is supposedly a picture drawn on LSD - give it time to load -

Not everyone - except smart Barf Stew readers of course - know that the Speed of Light can be slowed down --- Stewy read right here for sure - give it time to load -

Paul Davie's asks - Is Anybody Out There? - Leading to his speculation that mankind should look in some different areas to see if aliens may have ever been to Earth - starting with our DNA - Super Stew - put it in the freezer.

Finally, let's end today with the wisdom of Deepak Chopra - the man that can cause a quake in your mind. Yeah, nothings sacred. Sorry.

 <- Here's more. Oh, if you desire more similar to this -

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