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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lining up at Midnight at Wal-Mart to buy Food is part of the new Recovery.

As I often talk about on my politics blog Real Heavy Politics (back in the Alexa ratings again - yeah) - I OFTEN point out the complete and total disconnect between the actual economic numbers and the shrill MSM's `cheerleading' about the numbers in some sort of arcaine manner. And, as you can see from today's headline - the Barf of it is NOT good news (such as more states with higher unemployment last month compared to states with lower unemployment - and 44 states having a HIGHER unemployment rate than a year ago. -- All this is deserving of Today's Barf Stew Tag.

Election 2012: Barack Obama 42%, Ron Paul 41% - Certainly, this poll is Barfy as the republinuts would NEVER allow Paul the nomination (let alone his age in 2012) - nevertheless - poll results like these have tidbits worth Stewing about.

Here's a trippy link I found in a forum recently about a strange alien-encounter perhaps -- sounds very much like some DMT `firing' in this persons brain. Interesting description - Stewable Barf.

This is a customer review of `The Secret' book that causes(d) such a sensation - the review is titled The Secret saved my life - Barf Stew - but, FUNNY. (Barf Stew entertains.) The Secret

Here's one you may have missed - No Underwear Subway Ride (April Fool’s 2010) - - a Barf Stew `joke'.

Hot adult model (PG picture as always) - Stewy.

In other news - Unique Birthday Gift Idea #117 -Hire An Evil Clown To Terrorize Your Child On His Birthday - with pictures  BaxterKing is similar to Barf Stew and worth your visit.

Want more of my postings? or --- thanks for your visit today.

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