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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Castaneda's `Structure Of Perception' - The Structural Analysis

Believe it or not - this blog is noted for the word `Carlos' in search engines - due to a few posts about Carlos Castaneda.
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But, perhaps, Barf Stew is ultimately an excellent description for the works of the writer Carlos Castaneda.

`Barf' due to the fact that perhaps Don Juan was a fabrication and the near certain possibility that all (IMO, except for an interesting possibility that the first may be `a little true') the books are complete fiction.

And, `Stew' due to the fact that, without question, his writings explored at least a few ideas that were seemingly `new' (controlled lucid dreaming-world) that many people were able to experience just by following his methods.

But, today - I'd like to explore the idea behind the title of today's post. You see, unless you actually read Carlos's first book - you missed the whole point. I mean it.

Because, at the end of the first book - Carlos actually explains the whole book in terms which clearly describe that he is himself describing a reality `structure' OF perception - with the example experiences in the book. Literally, different realities existing - WITHIN - spaces of  agreed `description'. With access to that reality gained by understanding the `perception clues' - all pointing to a `structure'.

So, he does that at the very end of the book - literally after the end of the `story' ------ in an area called  `Part Two' - A Structural Analysis. And, when I searched Google with those words I found this link with the very section I'm writing about today. (Link at end of post)

Here are some of the highlights of this link and the concept itself.

The `structure' involved a `man of knowledge' - who had an `ally' - the `ally' had a `rule' & finally - the `rule' was corroborated by `special consensus'.

Simple right?

But, let's do a little interpreting - and, even apply it to Carlos's most famous idea of Controlled lucid dreaming.

First, as a knower of his ideas - you could be a `man of knowledge' - (your starting point, your being, your being influenced by his writings) - Next - you would use your `ally' in dreaming - that would be the `trigger' - your ally - of purposely looking for and looking AT your `dream hands' - bringing them `consciously' in front of your dream eyes for viewing.
The `rule' at that point - was that to `gain more space within that reality' the man of knowledge would have to `change focus from the hands to other locations past the hands - establishing a location in the reality - the reality NOW having `special consensus'.

By following the above techniques - many folks, readers, of Castaneda's works WERE able to experience `special consensus' realities. Many WERE able to expand the literal size and scope of the dream world and abilities with the intentionality they possessed. Able to move about - to do things. To actualize more reality.

All because of being able to `perceive' (have perception of) a `structure'. But, it's really even easier than that - if - you think in terms of phenomenology.

Simply, one dreaming space (you) - anchors your dreaming space into a location via finding your body dream hands - (a space extending in the dream reality) - AND, establishing PERCEPTION in this new reality with a location to see from. Next, looking PAST ones `hands', `brings more space to explore'. One literally has a location - a space-time - in a special consensus reality.

Which brings us to our Barf Stew question; could most `paranormal' experiences be happening thru a `similar structure' process? A similar phenomenology? Could `perception itself' be a structure which is learned?

Thanks for stopping by today. Here's some links.

I describe my first controlled lucid dream here -

Carlos Castaneda's first book link -
The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge

Tasty morsels await in the Barf Stew sidebar --->

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