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Friday, May 28, 2010

The E.L.F.E.N. Project - Real Research Into Gnomes, Elves, Fairies and Other Small People

It is with great pleasure that I can begin your holiday weekend with such a great read. - Yes, real research into the phenomena of `little people' -- with Barf Stew stats such as: The profile which is emerging from the ELFEN Project of those who have encounters with little people is that males and females see them with equal frequency. Forty-six percent of encounters are in natural landscapes, and a surprising 27% are inside houses and an additional 23% in the vicinity of houses. In three different reports they have been present at the bedside when a person awakened.

Forests are the next most likely environment where one can meet little people (29% of the time) followed by the general countryside (19%), around water (15%) or around rocks (17%). Urban areas account for a surprising 25% of reports. Eighty-six percent of the time children encountered or played with more than one being. Adult encounters are also more likely to involve more than one being (61% of encounters) and only one entity (39% of encounters) and most of these are rather short fleeting events. Eighty-seven percent of all sightings were uncertain about gender, particularly when small elves appear in large concentrations (we developed a term for this: an elevation of elves or a folly of fagles), -- I assure you - this is just a sliver of the facts you can find out about Earth's little people via this link who enchanted us into giving it Today's Barf Stew Tag.

OK, here's a new twist to a staple in the kitchen - a cooking show with - heavy metal music - Metal Cookshow Launches…    - Stewable, of course.

How's this for fitting the category `Barf Stew' -- new `evidence' about the D.B. Cooper case (yes the guy that jumped out of the airplane with a parachute with money) - including the NAME of who it was (conveniently dead)

More Links:
Into The Blast - The True Story of D.B. Cooper
Legend of D. B. Cooper - Death by Natural Causes
The Legend of D B Cooper

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