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Friday, May 14, 2010

Have Aliens Hijacked Voyager 2 Spacecraft?

Boy oh boy; the Barf Stew hardly gets any better than this. Take one civilization - check; have the INTRODUCTION craft to the Universe (Voyager has info about us) travel 33 years and 8.6 billion miles in search of intelligent life to introduce ourselves - check; receive a message from craft in a new coded form - check. You might want seconds on this one - as the edge of where human intelligence has gone easily decodes Today's Barf Stew Tag. (Or - it could be broke - but what fun would that be?)

Yesterday's post has had a huge number of hits about the `new' video of the `Turkey UFO's' --- shortly after I posted it and sent it to a few other sites that occasionally use Barf Stew material - I was alerted that a similar video (not the exact same one but including some of the same footage) had recently been debunked by the excellent website Forgetomori - but, if you did see yesterday's video - do you think of Yacht Windows? Me neither. Anyway - here's the link of debunking. Barf Stew.

Today's sexy link - Russian Cheerleaders - need I say more - - Eye Stew here. Barf Stew Entertains.

Finally, another Garage Rock Friday special - dug by hipsters about 44 years ago.

More 60's Garage Band Info
Garage Rock and Its Roots: Musical Rebels and the Drive for Individuality
Garage Records Price And Reference Guide; 1960's Garage, Psychedelic and Uncharted Rock 45's (Volume One)

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