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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lon Strickler - MR. High Strangeness

In just a few short internet years - Lon Strickler of Natural Plane @ Blogspot - has risen to the cream of the paranormal scene. His amazing range of posted high strangeness; with a discerning but non-critical eye to the most outrageous of material,  has made him and his site the `go-to' place for people of all walks of life to share their own `spooky' or `impossible' story. Lon also has an amazing knowledge of anomalous events and fine writing skills.

And, Lon has so much great material that the links pile up in my Barf Stew bin (regardless of how restrictive I try to be) - so - I expect that this will NOT be the only time of featuring Natural Plane in these Barf Stew pages. So, here we go - a link - a description - and my take.

Post One - UPDATE: Former Police Officer Recalls Reptilian Encounters, Sightings - - so, how about a `trusted' person (officer) saying the impossible - the far far edge of the barf stew out there about `aliens' on our planet - the Reptilians.
SUMMARY - Oh my. A former New Orleans police officer, who was abducted by reptilians before Katrina, and who's penis was implanted, and who was aware of groups of Reptilians patrolling N.O. days afterwards - says that N.O. was part of a test the Reptilians were doing for the crowd control they will impose when we have the `meltdown event'. Additionally, the officer and 4 other individuals whose only link is his cell phone list of numbers - are having very strange calls being made by the phones themselves. (PLEASE READ THE LINK FOR MUCH MORE). ----------- MY TAKE: The WINK Factor Index - Part Two - The five topics you should never talk about to strangers. - I must admit, the number ONE wink factor on my list was Reptilians. The absolute forbidden topic. --- Ok, now to attempt to fit this all into High Strangeness. The Reptilians are similar to the temporary beings that represent Bigfoots. The `mall scene' (read lon's link) is probably a lucid dream of some sort - and the calls - some sort of beckoning of the unknown - perhaps cause by his intentionalities. (Or, perhaps he tells tall tales.) On a 1-100 scale of High Strangeness - this is upper 90's.

POST TWO - SERPO Release 34: 'Operation TANGO-SIERRA' - Humanoid Infiltration - is anything more flipped out than saying humans have been infiltrated?
SUMMARY - A female government worker is abducted by a human looking alien who shows her holograms and eventually she is medically examined by a creature - eventually, a 60 man intelligence force of the government:
The source also stated, "The non-human entity was quickly identified, carefully watched, photographed and eventually captured near a shopping mall (southeast of Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland) after it walked up an embankment. It was quickly determined that this male alien had no special powers nor abilities."

"The male non-human voluntarily complied with the U.S. intelligence AFOSI special agents and went quietly and without incident. The male non-human was then remanded to custody and placed in captivity at Ft. Belvoir Army Post, Virginia." ......"The non-human entity was released on the direct orders of then President Carter in late 1980, and subsequently left Earth and returned to its home planet." ..."These aliens from Delta Pavonis have been visiting Earth for 100 Earth years. Apparently, they could assume the human shape and form and easily live among us."

There is even more at the link - please read it - but - I think you get the idea. ............... MY TAKE - To me, and until proven differently, all of SERPO is nonsense. This `story' being nothing more than the creation of a plausable storyline. 

POST THREE - Videos: Poltergeist Activity - if not fake, one of the most convincing `poltergeist' activity imaginable.
SUMMARY - Three over the top videos that must be seen to be believed.
MY TAKE - Continue to the comments below the post - these reflect my view. Shame really - probable hoaxes hurt the possible real videos that show the same. That said, make up your own mind after viewing.

Lastly, I can't recommend more highly any site before Lon's site - it is a MUST read - daily - if you want to know the very edge of realities current representations. Indeed, the fact that Natural Plane was NOT included in a recent vote of best Paranormal websites - shows how the list maker of nominations - needs to get up to date - perhaps next year.

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