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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pedestrian Killed When A Large Woman Falls From Hong Kong Skyrise

The odds of being hit by lightning or a bus - yes. The odds of being hit by a falling human - Barf Stew. So, squashing all competition - falling humans are Today's Barf Stew Tag. More details at link -

Here's a few more bizarre deaths to consider:
Death by Stupidity: The 1001 Most Ridiculous, Bizarre and Astonishingly Idiotic Ways People Have Kicked the Bucket
Death in California: The Bizarre, Freakish, and Just Curious Ways People Die in the Golden State
The Darwin Awards: 180 Bizarre True Stories of How Dumb Humans Have Met Their Maker

This was a blog post I did yesterday to my UFO Blog - UFO Spectrum Broadens Into Absurdity - UDCC Clock Maintains Symbolic 6:00 A.M. Setting - Stewable.

Two days ago was the first Skunk Ape story on Barf Stew - here's another - Barf Stew high strangeness.

I caught this story on on Sunday - Psychic Chip Coffey can communicate with the dead, but he has a degree of skepticism about paranormal activity - Stewworthy read.

And, from our sexy tag - 44 Bra Busting Babes - here's a sample from the main link - and here's the main link Barf Stew Entertains.

Here's one I bet you don't find elsewhere today in your surfing of the anomalous - - called Stationary Of Horror - Barf Stew for sure.

Another of the newish bloggers on the scene is the Professor's The Big Study - here he writes a comprehensive post about - UFOs & The Enigma of the United States Navy - Very Stewable post and site.

Ready for a Barf Stew mind game? Thought so. The Colour-changing Card Trick - With Videos -

Thanks for visiting today - please visit my crazy sidebar too.

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