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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

ANOTHER `Thinking' Blogger - Bites The Dust

Seems another `thinker' blogger is calling it quits - this time with the insinuation that what he has blogged about - has brought a threat to his life. As he is one who seemingly `walks the walk' of his real opinions - BIG opinions - his quitting, and the threat, could be a cautionary thing to note in blogs like this and others that mention items NOT in the MSM

Indeed, the blog `Strange Planet' has been on my blogroll of BS (Barf Stew) since near BS's beginning. Indeed, I encourage you to visit the incredible amount of work that Dennis Whitney has put into this site in the time he has had it up - especially his posts about what to have and do in case the shit hits the fan as far as an economic or other breakdown (interesting on what to stock up on for Barter purposes). All that said, I personally don't buy into all of Dennis' points of view but suffice it to say we overlap quite a bit.

So, with all that in mind - here's his final post and a link to his Barf Stew material. - --

Sexy Virtual World Cup Girl - Italy -

Remember at the beginning of the Gulf Oil Leak that link I had about how it was North Korea that caused the leak so that we would `blow the well up' with a NUKE? - -- Well, now, almost the same thing has graced the words of former President Bill Clinton - read the Barf here -,11065 (at about 3 minutes 10 seconds he goes - "it doesn't HAVE to be a NUKE, I've read all that").

Yes, Weird Sciences (.net) is rapidly becoming a MUST CHECK blog for me and I will bring to my Barf Stew readers the best that blog has to offer - like this - The Three Biggest Questions About Extraterrestrial Contact: When, Where And How - Extremely Tasty Science Stew on a huge question to UFO buffs - - and as you saw - the above link came from this `thinker'

And, from the world of Barf - Beneficial Mutations

Want more Stew? -

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