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Monday, June 14, 2010

BILLION Year Old Entities - More Speculations

Ok, I know my regular BS readers are probably going `not another post about BYE's (billion year old entities) - but - sometimes a particular post strikes a nerve with other thoughtful bloggers. And, as you know, just last week, I provided how another blogger covered my original post about BYE's -- and his blog - provided a `science' take on the matter.

Then just yesterday - this comment went to my UDCC blog about the post I did there about BYE's - since it is as thought out as the whole science approach - and - because I love deep thinkers and speculation about esoteric topics - I provide here - her thoughts about BYE's and at the end of her post - I will provide some commentary and some additional links.

Are you ready? Here's her comment on my blog:
Is it possible that some humans (amidst all the mushroom people i.e. ref. "Attack of the Mushroom People"; pod people ref. "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (c.1958), Rhinoceros people ref. Eugene Ionesco's play "The Rhinoceros" etc. ...what do all these weltanschaung metaphors we propagate all over the world refer to ...what do they mean?!) ...are billions of years old.

It is possible that the remainder, the "mushroom people". the "pod people",the "rhinoceroses" "demons" etc., are the projection of just one human being, also billions of years old, dream entities of that human being's psyche expressed in, contained in, incarnated in light matter. You will admit that life would not require light matter to exist, but may use it, or be trapped in it?! Not difficult to extrapolate from known unknowns such as tiny dimensions, dark matter etc.
Such a billions-of-years-old human, whose psyche was riven with lies about reality, Jungian psychology would predict, would project billions of shatters as psychic entities and a dream world like "Underland", as in "Alice in Wonderland" 2009, would result. She could trap other human beings within that mental construct for comfort, entertainment, and self-validation. She would tap into our responses to her dreamworld, her psyche, as in "The Matrix". Other human beings could not resolve her own internal psychic contradictions - we would be her slaves struggling pointlessly to make sense of her psychic world which would seamlessly envelop us and which would appear to be reality.
What appears to be "billions of years", within that mental construct, might be just a few thousand years of experiential time. That would explain the suddenness of civilisation. Billions of pod people, or "Borg drones" and a few trapped humans, and maybe some other deluded human beings believing and imagining that they really are in some way cooperating with "Alice", but to no advantage to themselves, only to their detriment - the world all a nightmare, a bad dream,...a LI-c-E?! ... A land in which we are prisoners, where freedom is a hollywood dream, a dream of something real but existing, in "Underland", as only a memory of the reality that is being denied to us.
Which human being are you? Are you "Alice" or are you her prisoner or her victim? Are you a part of her psyche or are you a separate being?

Pretty Heavy Stuff - don't you think? -------- So, let me respond.

First, Elizabeth Jane, let me assign a probability to the possibility that you are correct or largely correct - so - indeed, the words you use could indeed be - true, real, actualized -- or, at least some variation of your ideas. (OR, ALICE's Ideas.)

Next, in a nutshell - to me - you are maintaining that we humans could be an illusionary experience within another structure of which we are are not aware of --- yepper; I can even go there too - at least if talking about probabilities. And, I will certainly grant you the chance that such `special realities' are accessible by humans in some manner from their own location of the ontological structure.

NO, I will not give you the big BUT - as I appreciate your comment and line of thought. That said, (here it comes) - your one post blog - - of the letter you sent to the Queen at Buckingham Palace - may need a little deeper thought to get my thumbs up.

Finally, one point you make I really like - and that is how the subjective time experienced may not be represented the same to all entities (the example of this in my mind has always been `how birds effortlessly glide thru tree branches' - I mean, are they seeing a slowed down version of our reality to perform such feats?),

Thanks for some excellent mind stew for my readers to taste.

Other links of interest to BYE's - - -

Before you think all is heavy around here - check out the name of this picture website - Barfable.

In other news to Stew about - Orang-utans 'like looking back at zoo visitors' - - interesting experiment to make this statement.

Sexy Virtual Girl Pic - because BS entertains.

Colin Bennett's one of a kind - total Barf Stew - webpage - that can take hours to explore -

  -- Barf Stew highly suggests taking a bite of our sidebar. Thanks.

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