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Friday, June 18, 2010

First Replicating Creature Spawned In Life Simulator

Great Barf Stew here - what do you get after 34 million generations? Life!

Got five minutes for a hair raising on the neck account of high strangeness? THE HUNT FOR THE REAL NEW JERSEY DEVIL AND IT'S KIN -

Do you believe in conspiracies? Here's a full Barf Stew serving on a totally over the top website that you may be returning to all weekend - Stewable?

How about another over the top sexy picture of a Female soccer team?

Did you say that you don't know who the Electric Prunes Are/Were? How about a live performance 41 years after their hit single? Barf Stew Entertains.

Too Much to Dream - Original Group Recordings: Reprise 1966-1967

Have you seen my `weekend' website?  OR, just hit prior posts below and off you go into the Stew.

1 comment:

  1. Oh me oh my! Electric Prunes does that not kind of go with my "stuck on the toilet oh my" blog post? Thanks for the reminder that I have some old prunes in the refrigerator - which hubby keeps shuffeling to one side.

    Gosh, you and I my dear have too much time on our hands. Yes? Remember what Betty White recently said about Facebook? "It sounds like a huge waste of time."

    I'll be back ...


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