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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Impossible? Could `Life' Be INSIDE The Sun?

As my regular Barf Stew readers know, I search for provocative ideas - by real thinkers - to bring to this webpage; and, today - I do just that. Indeed, have you ever encountered even the idea that the SUN may have life INSIDE of it? - Thought so.

So here I present a series of thoughtful ideas by a real thinker Chris Crawford - -- This, of course, is his five minute read about his idea that the SUN could harbor a life form. It's 100% Stewable.
But, I'm featuring Chris today and here's some more thoughtful ideas he explores:

Information Physics -
Dreaming -
Consciousness -
The Operational Approach to Reality -
Sarah Palin -

And, again, regular readers know that I also recently featured Bruceleeeowe - and here - is a post he did last year -- BUT - is really the FULL OVERVIEW of the `conspiracy theory' about Real Life on Mars -- I know it took quite sometime to pull together the sources for this amazing read - Totally Stewable -

Now, seldom do I run a Barf Stew video that happened the day before -- but - if you haven't heard that General Petraeus `passed out' while in front of the Senate yesterday - while Sen. McCain was questioning him - check this out. Weird. Real Weird. Then, note how his `entourage' went into work -

Thanks for visiting Barf Stew today - please tell a friend about BS today. Oh, I have a ton of stuff on Barf Stew that you will like if you liked what I gave you today - start here -

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