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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Remember That Time That Bo Derek Nursed A Chimp?

Yeah, we bring you the over the top stuff at Barf Stew as BS loves to entertain - (might NOT be sfw) - and loves hot teases like this one - (with GIF of the action and a still picture) - you will send this to a friend - almost guaranteed. - Very Spicy Stew Today.

Did Robert Bigelow - the Governments `go-to' man about UFO's - spill some beans? Or, spill the Barf Stew disinfo? - Shrugging off Bigelow’s killer UFOs - to quote from this post "Bigelow said. “Anybody that does research, if people bother to do quality research, come away absolutely convinced. You don’t have to have personal encounters.” He added: “People have been killed. People have been hurt. It’s more than observational kind of data.” - More Barf at the link to Stew about. Is he a loose cannon?

In other news - UFOlogy is Dead - A very stewworthy post deserving of your click.

Sexy YouTube video's -- Barf Stew Entertains

Poops, Oops, and Barf Stain Remover

Here's my other daily site - - If you like BS, you will like this.

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