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Friday, July 2, 2010

Finding `Portal' Intrusions

Hello, welcome to Barf Stew. As you might know, Barf Stew `grew' out of several near daily blogs that I already had - one, a page on Squidoo about anomalies - and one on Blogspot about politics. It also is an outgrowth of my `original' esoteric blog too - and perhaps - today's post belongs there - as what I'm about to speculate is indeed, The Heavy Stuff - but - because it is conjecture and speculation of myself only - perhaps, it is Barf. I'll let that up to you.

Today's post began the other day when Lon Strickler dropped me a hello on my Squidoo page. Now, as you again may be aware, Lon runs a GREAT `anomaly' website (that I often feature links to) - and has himself had various non-ordinary reality situations occur to him and around him (almost like all `anomaly' website editors it seems). And, while I had read some of Lon's previous experiences/perceptions - I wanted him to share with me his Bigfoot experience - to which, he sent me the link he wrote years ago.

And, immediately after reading Lon's link, I had a realization to my psyche - `is it ALL about Portals?' --- I will explain.

If you read Lon's story - and the follow up story - you will find that `the feds' showed up very quickly and replaced `the locals' for security of the area. As did `those helicopters' we often seem to hear about when something `weird' `anomalous' happens (usually with UFO's) . And, while the follow up story suggests that the Feds must have captured or killed what Lon saw -- I have a completely different takeaway. (BTW, the reports of UFO's AND Bigfoots - together - is NOT unprecedented.)

But, first, let's back up a bit to a man in the news -  a man connected to the Feds - a man who investigates `anomalous events involving entities' - and a man with an interest in Portals. Yes, Robert Bigelow. NIDS backer, MUFON backer, Skinwalker Ranch owner, -- indeed, the `Portal' man himself.

And, with that as a backdrop - here's my conjecture.

Let's say `the feds' - (really the world's governments) - KNOW - that `the anomalous' comes in several `varieties' of events. And, that ONE of them - involves - `solid entities' (that have come thru a `portal') instead of `qualitative entities' such as ghosts, spirits, etc. AND, the `solid' entities - are the ONES `they' need to be concerned with - hence the immediate `control' of an area.

(To answer the question - yes - I believe there are `solid entities' - such as aliens - that are NOT associated with the `time-cone' portals.)

To me, it's obvious that `the powers that be' have NO interest in an `open portal' to who knows what. And, I believe in some manner, their actions do indeed `close' the portals. (Perhaps some frequency being blasted into the area by the helicopters?) Perhaps it is nothing more than having `intentionalties' to stop the event - close the portal - even if portals are temporary and even if the `creatures-entities-events' that come thru the portal are less than real in some manner. Almost like closing a zipper to another reality so that it doesn't intrude in ours - or - rip our reality apart.

So, now we know that the helicopter phenomena happens in cases other than UFO's in an area - Bigfoots, can call for helicopter actions too. And, it is now my belief that we are talking about open portals into our timecone - the gold at the end of the rainbow that Robert Bigelow seems most interested in - (and perhaps using to go elsewhere?).

Finally, I'm of the opinion - opposite the man in the follow-up story - that NO `Bigfoots' were killed at Lon's location that night (or any night) -- WHY - because humans talk - and the `rumors' of such events over the decades - would be MUCH stronger than any that exist up until today. It's humans nature.

And, here's a Bigfoot Video from 2009:

Have a great 4th of July Weekend - and - tell a friend about Barf Stew.

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1 comment:

  1. Kudos for writing and publishing this as my own views on Bigelow concur with yours. The connection between the government privatization of space exploration to exploit resources, and Bigleows involvement as a major financial capitalist investor, does make one wonder more than what appears on the surface of this game of connect the dots.


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