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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Paying For Internet `Entertainment Information'

Recently, one of my favorite internet sites,, `asked' its users for voluntary `donations' - of any level - to help the site meet costs and the expectations of its readership. This request was made despite being owned by a major company and supposedly having 280 million page views each month. And, because the `community' was/is quite strong - thousands of users have already sent in donations to help the site survive and grow. This happened in a matter of days and happened recently.

Then today, while surfing sites to provide the kind of links I look for to post on Barf Stew - I came across this link on Leslie's Debris Field about Cryptomundo - perhaps the internets NUMBER ONE site for `current' and historical Cryptozoology information and entertainment. - and at the link - the website owner (the one who is sent the bill for hosting and the one paying writers for content) tells how his advertising revenue is about 300.00 per month and his cost to run just the servers is 309.00 (this includes UFO Mystic too) and that every month with other costs he is losing about 500 bucks monthly. Money that is coming out of his pocket - while it is HE who is providing the service so many enjoy - many of these users on a near daily basis almost

The webmaster indicates that unless the users pony up some funds - that by the end of the month - Cryptomundo may not exist any longer. And, who can blame him? Hobby's are one thing -- losing money endlessly for them is another. Let alone the TIME the webmaster puts into that effort (just like all webmasters - EVEN Barf Stew) - that HE is paying for - as opposed to being paid like other `workers'.

As an information point - Barf Stew pulled in all of 4.46 cents in June in ad revenue in over 7,000 page views. - Additionally, Barf Stew has probably earned about 5.00 worth of Amazon revenue this year total or about a buck a month. Affiliate `sales' in the new normal of the Great Recession have largely went to 0 dollars a month (they used to be a few bucks a month on each of my blogs). And, that's it.

Now, I'm not complaining (yet) as I do this because I want to (and blogspot is `free' except for the work hours running the site) bring these links along with my point of view to the public. I think most bloggers think they have something of value to offer the public.

BUT, perhaps it is time for the users - especially, and perhaps only, the near daily users of websites, - to realize that `paying' for their own entertainment - reading entertainment - internet surfing entertainment - does have value to them too. And, the time is coming to, as they say, `Step Up To The Plate'.

Indeed, it is time for surfers to realize that `those annoying ads' are actually pretargeted at them - based on the content they are reading - often relevant to the subject matter - and ARE THE WAY A SURFER PAYS BACK THE WEBMASTER - by checking some ads out. OR, by BUYING something off of the webmasters website - rather than at Walmart.

But, perhaps most importantly, most websites now have a `donation button' that directly allows `web surfers' to securely put money directly into the webmasters hand - via paypal. Securely and Directly. At any level they want - from a buck to enough for a gallon of gas or a lunch to extreme amounts like 100 bucks. A way to say - thank you, good work. A way to say - I like to spend time on this site - it entertains my mind and time.

And, heavy users of websites - the ones that `cost' the most in bandwidth - the ones MOST entertained - as time goes on - will find their favorites in FREE entertainment gone - unless they step up to the plate and stop being gluttons of free entertainment. Step up to the plate and put their mouths and wallets where their actions and EYES go for entertainment. To stop being --- A BUM.

Now, I hardly expect - nor would I myself - donate - to a site that I only occasionally used - or even used with some frequency. BUT, the day has arrived on the internet for HEAVY USERS of the entertainment of certain websites to step up and the time is NOW for heavy users of Cryptomundo. The donation button on Cryptomundo can be found in the right sidebar near the top of the page - it's easy to find. And, if each read you've ever done on the Cryptomundo was worth, let's say, 2 cents to you - how much do you owe? Yeah, that buck would be appreciated. Is the Cryptozoology community anything like the intelligent Reddit community?

Or, if you think I deserve more than 5 bucks a month to bring Barf Stew to you - and if you yourself have gotten some entertainment from BS over the last 6 months (and expect to in the future) --> Then, click MY donation button on the sidebar and donate a buck or two. Take the leap, free entertainment isn't really free - it's time - right now.

I double dare you.


  1. I just wrote an essay on this money thing,regarding the loss of innocence, and I noted that others have as well. As writers, we do pay a price ourselves. I think another aspect of this is cynicism, which over time, I look at what I wrote three years ago sort of reinforces I have become more hard boiled. It's a difficult balancing act.

  2. Bruce,

    First, thanks for commenting today and I think yesterday about Robert Bigelow and the governments arrangement with him.

    I will go and read your post about this money thing and get your read on the matter -- but -- wanted to concur about the `hardening' that my writing has taken also. I can see how some who have come onto and left the scene - since we both began a few years ago - did so. Meaning, one can certainly feel like ones efforts are almost for nil. Especially when you and I write about material that perhaps only a few hundred folks may even care about in America.

    To clarify, my post was mainly to `inform' the BS readers that being a blogger is not the road to riches and that bloggers provide MUCH entertainment and thoughtfulness to the general public - especially when compared to the MSM.

    I also wanted to convey that IF readers stepped up to the plate and just did a `fair-share' - that bloggers such as you and myself - might make all of 5 bucks a post and be even more motivated. Just FYI - not one BS reader hit the donation button - of which I was not surprised. Hopefully some will go to Cryptomundo and actually donate to a site many have come to rely upon.

    Again, thanks.


  3. Rick
    I had an acquaintance, Dr Coral Hull who was a gifted writer and she came to your conclusions about one year ago. She wrote one of the most interesting books on paranormality entitled "Walking With Angels" that seemingly had a dark side. I just finished the conclusion of research into theories by Mac Tonnies and Ivan Sanderson that looked at a cetacean creature that seems to fit the puzzle pieces of the phenomenon. The response has been underwhelming.Our government based on visits is more interested in this than the readers. At the same time I had well over 1,000 visits in 24 hours. If I was more cynical I could have written a book and had readers pay for this. I do agree that we spend our own time and energy because we enjoy it primarily, but, some have discussed going to a subscriber model, which I am ambivalent about. It is difficult to remain self motivated.

  4. Bruce, for some reason, when I amazon searched `walking with angels' about 5 choices came up but not Dr. Coral Hull - then, when I searched Coral Hull - books came up but not that one. HMM.

    I know you just recently did a post about Tonnies but haven't read it - I will look into it. What do you mean the government is more interested than readers if you got 1,000 reads?

    I agree, with The Heavy Stuff - I also feel like I've already written a book or that one could be pulled from that blog. Now, most importantly, the subscriber model may be coming in a sense. I recently heard about a program that allows someone to put like 10.00 in and it gets distributed to all the blogs that get used by that person that are in the program. In other words, the reades would indeed pay a few cents for looking at a blog post (but just a few cents) - the funds build up and then get distributed to the blog owners who are participating.

    Makes alot of sense.


  5. Rick
    As I has suspected, she has vanished. I only found an entry on Wikipedia

    "Her book psychokinesis titled "Walking With The Angels: The RSPK Journals" was published in 2007."

    I once had a draft copy of her revised edition, but no longer. I do not want to speak on her behalf but she went through some chilling events that we discussed. She became a Christian, donated her ranch to the church, and then "dropped out." She wouldnt answer my e mails and we used to correspond very frequently. I went to her Thylazine Org website and looks like all the links have been pulled. Sad. I think it goes along with what I wrote, the paranormal extracts a cost, if you get too close.

  6. Rick
    I forgot to clarify my comment which you inquired about. I am not interested in generating numbers or visit counts but one of the primary reasons which I suspect I share with you is to disseminate ideas to put them up for a dialog or discussion. I am lucky to get a comment let alone have others evaluate or discuss them. Thats what I meant by response.

  7. Cryptomundo is run by Loren Coleman who has been a successful author for decades, plus a highly paid public speaker, and charges a lot of money simply to answer 5 minutes worth of questions. I know, I have dealt with him professionally in the past. If you really look at Cryptomundo, he has very little to do with it. 90% of it is simply readers having discussions, with a comment here and there by Loren. I dare say, with all his other income, plus his ads and his plugging of his own writings, he does not need MY dime. As for UFOMystic, this is basically Nick Redfern's page, and he is a successful author and speaker. I understand your point and I DO contribute to a couple of the sites I frequent, but these two in particular are making plenty of money to be able to run blogs that highly promote their other works. Dont let people sucker you into giving money just because they say the paranormal does'nt pay (which it does for a famous few) or that their time is money (get a job! Blogging is a pass-time). Do what everyone else does, sell subscriptions or get advertisers. And I say even keep your donation button but please, dont give me this cock and bull story about not having money Mr. Coleman and Mr. Redfern. I have seen you on televsion and read too many of your books to fall for the poverty story.


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