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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Comments About - TWEETS FROM THE DEAD (Using Frank's Box)

It was a great theme in shows like the Outer Limits, Twilight Zone and One Step Beyond - communicating with `the dead'. And, thruout the ages, many methods have been used by people to make that contact. But, some -- shall we say more aggressive methods to reach the dead - allowed them to `talk' back to the questioner.

That talk` decades ago, was most focused on seances that produced spirits taking over people (the medium) and using their voice to communicate - answering questions as if in the room with full senses. Indeed, often this communication was done frequently and on a recorded basis such as the `Leslie Flint Tapes'. All kinds of `spirits' came thru in these `talks' from the famous to the unknown.

However, today's Barf Stew post is about a link that uses `Franks Box' - now, I will let you read about the box but - long story short - it brings in statements from the dead. So, what I've done is take various quotes from the Box listed at this link and kind of put them together with some of the stuff that I've heard on the Leslie Flint Tapes.
Honestly, this is just a handful of what is at the site link:

To many dead people clog up the channels. -- Georgia - Is there a battle of the 95 billion dead to communicate?
Please, don't speak ill of the dead we can hear you! -- Guy - Would this indicate location within our timecone?
Big brother is watching you from beyond the grave. -- Earl - Ditto - Watching, Hearing.
Who says the dead don't eat. -- Natalie - Common human actions can continue - why do Ghosthunters never catch them eating? Is eating and other activities at a location beyond our perception or interaction with this consciousness level?
Come on this is a joke your dead , I'm not! -- Alton - Degree of Freewill may be relative description and indeed being `dead' with `no hard location' ties - may seem like the ultimate freedom compared to being stuck in bodies in one location.
When your dead your not really dead. -- Danny - Another way of saying the above?

There are allot of dead people who think we should picket the living. -- Uri - More morals in great beyond than `on Earth' with `more desires'?
It is all just a big scheme to get people to think they are alive still. -- Kerry - More indication of continuity but here the `take' of the dead is that being dead is less real - that death perceptions aren't up to alive perceptions - that it, death, is a FAKE alive.
Random voices of the dead. How novel! -- Lee - Comprehension with humor of communicating. Mocking being able to only produce single EVP's of different people - the very concept of Franks Box.
When you die, all your tattoos go away. -- Phyllis - Temporal skin?
You know I was dead before I was alive. -- Steven - Reincarnation? Death is more alive than life?
Where are all the clouds and harp music? -- Jack - More continuity of real phenomena forms than fantasies of heaven?
Being dead is like having a headache and a toothache that just won't go away. -- Rufus - Hell? Karma?
You think you got problems, now wait until you get over here! -- Roy - Karma? Hell?
Try as I might I still can't walk thorugh walls. -- Rachel - Time-cone location with some density?
Most of you think this is a joke. It is not. -- Rick - The above is true - all of it?

I got so many things coming at me at once. -- Dave - `Time Speed' may vary for the dead?
I feel disconnected from the world. -- Pete - Continuity without immersion; prior to a final `going onward'?
I got friends in hell I never had in life. -- Dale - Karma groupings?
Who are you to presume I give a damn about the living. -- Carlos - Can we assume that most who are dead for some length of time could care less about the living?
You can kill a ghost. -- Ginger - Indications that death may not be the final location for ones space?
The worse thing is when dead people think they know everything. -- James - Might their still be priests and philosophers in the dead phenomena zone?
You really don't meet that many interesting dead people. -- Lance - If interesting is something out of ones normal zone of comfort - could Karma grouping eventually be boring?
Things just don't taste the same when your dead. -- Alan - Is this why other contacts with the dead say that eating is only a thing one does in the early part of being dead and that eventually eating is not done?
I wish I still had my dog. -- Gloria - Few pets in heaven?
The only pole dancers I know all are in heaven. -- Debbie - Giving pleasure is rewarded?
Contact Jim Mckinley please tell him I met his dad. -- Les - Degrees of separation matters?
All the men here are really dead. -- Christine - Does maleness have some inferior space?
I'm' going to the bull fights tomorrow. Whoopee. -- Reggie - Karma grouping?
I saw a Ufo Today. It was ghostly. -- Justin - Humor? Truth?
I wish I knew where they keep the drugs around here. -- Klaus - Escaping from the phenomena of death will be a desire?
I miss masturbation. -- Davy - No drugs, masturbation - could pleasure activities not be in the phenomena area of humans still in contact with the time-cone?
I was an organ doner so parts of me still are not here yet. -- Kerry - Food for thought.
They buried me in a hole that fills up with raw sewerage every time it rains. Tell them to move my coffin. -- Shannon - Worrisome.
I still shop for shoes. I just can't try them on. -- Sadie - The completion of pleasure actions - forbidden?
If Johnny Depp was here this would be hell! -- Cory - Too goody two shoes for some?
IT'S 11:14 AND I'M GOING TO BED!!!! -- Lisa - Will the escape from death's phenomena be sleep?

You can read at least 70 more statements at the link that will provoke your mind. Feel free to comment.

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