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Monday, August 9, 2010

The Internet Illuminati: Seven Hold Keys to the Digital Universe

I've waited a week to use this headline - wondering when and if other MSM would even give it notice; but, this BS story is so over the top in weirdness that, evidently, it was not to be repeated by the MSM more than for one news cycle. Anyway, I quote from this link: It’s a story straight out of a Dan Brown novel: Seven people from across the globe have been chosen to hold the keys to the Internet.

They hold the keys to the Internet. It sounds so mysterious, so Da Vinici Code ... so ....
The key holders are from the U.S., U.K., Burkina Faso, Trinidad and Tobago, Canada, China and the Czech Republic, ensuring that no one person — or nation — will hold all the power.
In the event of a terrorist or other attack on the Internet, the key holders will be flown to an undisclosed location in the U.S. Each key contains a fragment. If at least five are united, they will form a master key that can restore the Internet.
(That’s a smart move: If the law of inviting people to parties holds true, you never know when two of the seven will have prior commitments and can’t make it to save the Internet — and civilization as we know it.) - - Read the link, it gets worse. Barf Stew for sure.

Meanwhile, How Brilliant Computer Scientists Solved the Bermuda Triangle Mystery - Stew and Barf on the menu today.
Decoding the Past - Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle (History Channel)
Into the Bermuda Triangle: Pursuing the Truth Behind the World's Greatest Mystery
The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved

Like the first story above - Barf Stew challenges the MSM to cover real news - Reset Law Enforcement: At Least a Third of all Crimes Should Not be Crimes - - Stew for all.
Digging Into The Stew:
No Price Too High: Victimless Crimes and the Ninth Amendment

In other intelligent human activity - Finalist dies at World Sauna event in Finland - -- running with Bulls or sitting in 230 degree water - Darwin at work at thinning the Barf Stew.
Perhaps A Dry Sauna?
2 Person Sauna Hemlock Ceramic Dry Heat FAR Infrared Portable Detox New

Do you find that most Barf Stew simply isn't spicy enough? Well, here's one that is too hot for almost anyone - Growing Evidence 9/11 Was an Interdimensional ET-Related False Flag Operation - - careful, this Barf resembles quicksand.

And, speaking of Too Hot for export - - Sexy Picture. Barf Stew Entertains.

And, that includes sexy tease - Hooters Style.

If you have a website - do you use LinkShare?

Finally, have you seen my squidoo site?

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